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God knows the future and gives his profits visions of it. Knowing this My question is this why would a loving God knowingly create people he knows aren't going to believe in him and then punish them for not believing in him?




  1. Gods will is that all human beings be saved.  Having said that the answer requires much more space and time than what is allotted here

  2. Why does God care, He knows all, He doesn't need or want anything, I mean he's God. He can do anything.

    But since he doesn't exist.

    Thats your problem.


  3. The future, yours and mine, is not set in stone.

    Many times in the Bible God was going to punish an individual or a nation and as a result of prayers and repentance on their part, He changed HIs mind.

    God creates the future.

  4. we have the free will to choose what to believe. He is the option, and you choose it or not. Makes sence.

  5. To choose not to create based on outcome would be to deny free will. To deny free will would make you a ruler over robots. God is looking for a people who want to spend eternity with Him. He has provided all the access out of sin and into eternal life. If you choose against it, He will put you in a place devoid of His light and love--but that is not His will.

    2 Peter 3:9

    The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that ANY should perish but that ALL should come to repentance.

    So why doesn't God force people to believe in Him? Again, free will. Why doesn't God just abort those who He knows are going to be evil? Same answer. Everything revolves around free will, and faith is the ultimate expression of free will. And God guards the usage of free will with a passion.

    Joshua 24:15

    "And if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve...

    But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”  

  6. this is why He is so deeply grieved at the bad choice some of us will make.

    We are a stubborn people, God sent prophets, miracles, and His Son to die for us, yet many continue to pursue their own selfish gains.

  7. Unlike the other repliers...i understand what you are asking...

    I'm sick of the overused, and nonsensical answer of "He gives us the choice..we can still repent, free will blah blah blah.  

    The point of the question is: There will be people that will not follow the teachings of whatever religion turns out to be correct.  So why on Earth would an all loving God create people just to be condemned to h**l in the first place.  Put the excuses away people.  According to the Bible thumpers...God will know those who don't follow and they will be punished with God knowing beforehand.  Therefore, God is not all loving. It is a complete contradiction.

  8. Because he is a loving God that does not force people to believe in him.We all have the choice to do so.

  9. god just created ppl to test them.he lets them be themselves and sees wether they follow his path or satin''s true that our past future and present is set by god but our actions,reactions emotions aren' is just a test for us the real thing is later on.

  10. Free Will.  I have no Idea how that explains anything, but the Knee benders out there keep yelling it at me.  I figure this as good a place to use it as any!!!

  11. Well God gives us chance after chance to turn to Him. People purposefully refuse God. It's not like God is going to send someone to witness to you and then if you refuse Him He's going to send you straight to h**l. No, He is going to give you another chance, and another, and another. He won't give up on you. He will bring you people who can help you and He will make changes in your life. But if you still choose to just ignore Him and go your own way then come judgment day, there are no more chances. It does make Him sad knowing what choice we can make. But He gives us the choice non-the-less because He loves us. He wants us to want Him. He doesn't want to force us. But He is going to send chance after chance, and sign after sign of His existence and love. You choose to disobey then you face the consiquences.  

  12. Why are you asking US? We don't know what God thinks.  Go ask Him.  Sheesh

    And it's PROPHETS not PROFITS (big difference)

    Why does God gives us minds and then people like you don't really use them to think and learn to spell.

  13. God has no need of money so profits are not something He concerns Himself with.  You're thinking of Bill Gates.

  14. he created them to follow and do his will.

    they rebelled instead and break God's.

    They are punished for breaking God's Law.

    I thought we were free in the US so why do we have Laws to obey.

    Why will I get punished for breaking the laws of the US if I break them?

    For the same reason God punishes those who break his laws.

  15. Everyone has their own free will. God isn't only taking Himself into account.

    People will seperate, the true from the false, bound for Success or Failure. They need to grow into those choices by experience and responsibility.

    He could easily have made everyone of the right mind and heart, but then, what use for development or will? That's how animals are.

    Its not for God''s benefit. Its for the development of mankind by stages.

  16. Hello. I hope  this answer illustrates how I see it. I'm a parent, as are countless others. Why would  any married couple decide to have children when they know somewhere along their lives that child will make a bad decision that could be learned from or one that will lead them to jail, per say, for the rest of their lives. It's the chance you take when you love somebody enough to plan to have children together. But you want to create a bond between the two of you that symbolizes both of you into one. I can't speak for God of course, but for me that is how and why I feel the way I do. :)

  17. Factors to Recognize. To understand the matter of foreknowledge and foreordination as relating to God, certain factors necessarily must be recognized.

    First, God’s ability to foreknow and foreordain is clearly stated in the Bible. Jehovah himself sets forth as proof of his Godship this ability to foreknow and foreordain events of salvation and deliverance, as well as acts of judgment and punishment, and then to bring such events to fulfillment

    A second factor to be considered is the free moral agency of God’s intelligent creatures. The Scriptures show that God extends to such creatures the privilege and responsibility of free choice, of exercising free moral agency (De 30:19, 20; Jos 24:15), thereby making them accountable for their acts. (Ge 2:16, 17; 3:11-19; Ro 14:10-12; Heb 4:13) They are thus not mere automatons, or robots. Man could not truly have been created in “God’s image” if he were not a free moral agent. (Ge 1:26, 27; see FREEDOM.) Logically, there should be no conflict between God’s foreknowledge (as well as his foreordaining) and the free moral agency of his intelligent creatures.

    A third factor that must be considered, one sometimes overlooked, is that of God’s moral standards and qualities, including his justice, honesty, impartiality, love, mercy, and kindness. Any understanding of God’s use of the powers of foreknowledge and foreordination must therefore harmonize with not only some of these factors but with all of them. Clearly, whatever God foreknows must inevitably come to pass, so that God is able to call “things that are not as though they were.”—Ro 4:17.

  18. If God Knows The Past, Present And Future, How Can We Really Have Free Will?  Most Gods Are Not Loving.

  19. When God created Adam and Eve, that was not expected to happen.  God didn't create a static universe that simple rolls from picture to picture. Rather, it is filled with random events.  

    God gave us free will so as to make the universe interesting for him and for us.  As to the punishment and the reward.

    The punishment and the reward is the same, how?  God returns our works to ourselves without partiality.  He is the perfect mirror and mirror our good and evil right back at us.  Those who do good get the reward, the gift, of eternal life.

    Those who do evil get no gift, they die as the unintelligent animals they are in the best evolutionary manner, the strong survive, the intelligent know how to do what is right.

    It is survival of the fittest -- isn't that what all want!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. A loving God would not do this.

  21. Question: "Why does God create people when He knows they are going to go to h**l?"

    Answer: Please understand that God does not cause anybody to go to h**l. Rather, man chooses to go there on his own. You can see the progression of those who reject Christ in the first 3 chapters of the book of Romans. The wrath of God is revealed against the unrighteous because man rejects the Creator and worships the creation (Romans 1:18-20). Men profess to be wise in their own eyes (v. 22) and exchange the glory of God for created things. These people then continue in a downward spiral of sin that is listed in verses 28-31, sins to which all of us can relate. Not only do they participate in these sins, but they also approve of those who do them (v. 32). Not only do men have the creation of the world to see God’s power, but they also have their consciences convicting them of their sin (2:14-15). In the end, man is left without excuse that we deserve to die, and we stand condemned in front of God.

    Jesus Christ came in the flesh so that “you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name” (John 20:30,31). This is another witness to God’s existence and also stands to condemn those men who choose to reject Christ as the Son of God. Because Christ came to pay the price of sin, and He came to “explain the Father” (John 1:18), man has no excuse for rejecting Him. Men choose to go to h**l because they reject Christ, not because God causes them to go there. God has paid the price, revealed Himself to all, and now men are “without excuse” (Romans 1:20). God allows people to be born to give them the opportunity to believe, but it is man’s responsibility to make that choice. What kind of God would He be if He did not give man the opportunity to place his faith in the Lord?

    This is still a very difficult concept to grasp. We can only cling to what we know about God’s nature and character, trust that His sovereignty and mercy do not contradict one another, and believe that everything He does and/or allows will ultimately be for His glory. We submit ourselves to Him in worship and obedience and trust that He “works all things according to the counsel of His will” (Ephesians 1:11) and that His ways are perfect, even when we don’t understand them. “He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he” (Deuteronomy 32:4).

  22. That is faulty theology. I'll leave out the bit about the minor and major prophets.

    Watch spelling you may get a business lesson corporate profits and how analysts forecast them.

    I'll simply say that the Christian God I know would not punish his creation to cruelly. He would take into consideration that during the most  successful time in history people automatically become materialistic and ignore the spiritual life, that while technology and science are making leaps and bounds a more tangible proof is being demanded, that the church has been doing a crummy job with all the scandals brought about by church leaders, and that fundamentalism is dominating newspapers headlines giving an ugly glimpse into people's dark nature. Can you blame people for turning away. On the other hand there are those that still do God's work even though they don't believe in a God.

    Scripture has said it all, it still being interpreted and renewing God's word so we don't need the kind of prophets of the OT times. God is outside of linear time.

  23. They still have the ability to respond to the "light" that has been revealed to them. God holds them accountable.

    Rom 1:20  For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

  24. Great question

  25. There is not a god of any shape, form, colour or number.

    Never has been, isn`t now and never will be.

    Apply that to your question and the logic slips easily into place.

  26. kinda complicated question

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