
Looking for a really good HD Camcorder?

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I am looking for a HD Video Camcorder from a price range of 3500-4500. Name brand is not an issue. Looking to do small movies. Can anyone recommend one that is professional and really good?




  1. you can't go past the sony hvr-v1p.

    it shoots progressive, looks great and is well within budget.

    i couldn't fault it. been using this one for a year now.

  2. OK...if you want the best bang for buck camera in this market then don't mess about and go for the JVC GY-HD110u (in US) or the JVC GY-HD111e (in EU). I run two of these cameras and the results are awesome. with anything in the real professional realms it comes with a learning curve. The HD looks very filmic as it shoots in 720p progressive format in 25/30 or 24. It also needs handling like a film camera too when it comes to speed of anything in the frame. The look of the footage is far superior to any 1080i for film work and the SD interlaced DV that it shoots however is up there with good as I've ever seen...and I've used them all. This camera is certainly bringing qualities and features into this price bracket that haven't been available before..hence it's causing a bit of stir in the business.

    Don't go into buying a camera in this class without doing your homework though. Check out forums of users etc. then try to get your hands on one before buying if possible.

    I hope this helps

    Best of luck with your film making.

  3. check this out:

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