
Looking for a rifle?

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I am 13 years old and i am staring to hunt white-tailed deer. I am looking for a bolt action rifle and can not find any more websites to look at. I already checked lots of the very commen websites but i am just afraid to get scamed. So does anyone know any really good websites that I can look at without getting scamed?




  1. Gun shop, walmart depending on area

    go to gunshows with parents. Surplus military guns work well for hunting with open sights. try cabelas, don't buy from their new!prices way high. main thing is get your parents help!

  2. I'm with TLong on the 243 arguement (and the 410 arguement).

    It makes no sense for a beginner who is likely to make a marginal shot to shoot the same round as an experienced person looking for a challenge.

    A 25-06 or 7-08 would be a much better round to start with (and those being the minimum). I'd lean more towards a 270 or 308 with 150 gr powerpoint/corelocks though.

    Use the manufacturer's sites to look at the rifles and then jump on some internet forums and review forums and read up on it and the cartridge. Make an informed purchase.

    If walmart sells guns they can special order practically anything and you won't find cheaper prices.

  3. Glad to see you are starting, but anyway, there are many great calibers out there for a girl your age. I was looking through some of the answers, and I couldn't help but notice the amount of votes the .243 Win. got. The .243 is a bad choice for a first timer. Don't get me wrong, it is an excellent caliber, but for someone who might be shaken up on the first hunt, the .243 leaves little room for error. It is a smaller bullet, and needs to be placed in the vitals (just like any other) but doesn't offer room for error. For you, my vote goes to a 25-06 Rem. at the low end, and if you could get used to it quick enough, maybe a .270 Win. and .30-06.

    Good luck.

  4. You'll probably have to buy from a gun shop (or a Walmart) or have them order it for you, but here are some manufacturer's sites that might help you narrow your choices.

    As far as caliber goes, if you're 13 you should avoid the larger calibers (.30-06, .308, .300 Magnum etc...) due to recoil. Take a long look at guns available in .243, .257 Roberts, .270 Winchester, 7x30 Waters (if you go with a TC), and .30-30. I'd recommend a .243 shooting 100-110 grain bullets due to the low recoil and flat trajectory, but any of those calibers will get the job done.

  5. Here is a site - I would suggest maybe a .243 for you

  6. as far as a caliber goes, it all depends where you are hunting your deer (size varies with location). If i was to buy a caliber to hunt ONLY deer with i would buy a 270 or  for smaller bodied deer look at a 243. you might not know this, but a rifle does not have to fit you perfectly like a shotgun does, because when you shoot it, you always have to "move" into it and adjust your head position to get a accurate shot off. if you want a good rifle i highly recommend the tikka t3. it is of average price and one of the most accurate (and stylish) rifles in production. you should get this from a store though, not through the internet.

    remember that there is nothing wrong with a used gun either, such as the old husqvarna rifles (these are some of the best).

    if you have any relatives that hunt and know what they're doing, ask them.

    just to let you know that my opinion is somewhat valid i come from a family of professional big game guides and outfitters, as well as waterfowl outfitters.


  8. i would highly suggest going to a store that has guns and look at the rifles u like and try it on, some rifle feel better than others... just depends on the person but just ordering online can be a big mistake, u need to see if the rifle fits you and if you like the way it feels and even if it is too heavy for you. You can look at the guns in the store and then see if u can get a better deal online...but dont just buy a gun online without looking at it in real life and handling it

  9. I am quite fond of the Browning BLR in .243. Light little rifle, easy to handle. Good for whitetail. There a little pricey for a first rifle but used ones can be found for reasonable prices.

  10. Good site to look at/buy guns

    Welcome to the hunting sports.

    Someone of age would have to actually make the purchase for you.

    It's very easy to check and cross check the sellers on Gunbroker to make sure things are on the up and up. I have had great luck on GB, both in finding great deals and great folks to deal with.

    I would also suggest going to a large gun show, that way you can actually handle the rifles you are interested in.

  11. Go to a gun shop with your parent and handle the ones of your choice.  Choose a stock and action that feel comfortable for you and allow that you will grow in the next 2-3 years.   After you find the gun you would like, then choose a caliber that you can be comfortable using.  I started with a .30 Remington  at 10 and at 14 went to a .30-06. I still prefer a '06, more versatile loading and a low power hand load for target and varmints is a good choice for me. (110 grain BT and slightly less powder)  All of the websites will give information but you need one in your hands.  It may take several weeks of looking.  Have fun.

  12. Remington model 700 in .223 is a great rifle to start with.

  13. Sounds like a Remington Model 7 in a .243 would be perfect for you.

    How can you get scammed by just looking on websites? You need to buy this rifle with your parents at a local gun shop.
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