
Looking for a route from Quetzaltenango to Coban (Guatemala) How long is the drive and is it safe? Any idea's?

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Are the roads in decent shape? Also, any major problems with hyway robbers? Also, are there any interesting things to see along the way? Thanks!




  1. The best route is south from Quetzaltenango (called Xela), thru Los Encuentros, to the capital, then east towards Coban. Under perfect conditions, the trip would take 3 or 4 hours, but there are currently road repairs underway on the first leg of that route. The delay can add between 1 and 8 hours to the journey.

    The rest of the roads are in "OK" shape. No robber problems reported lately.

          Chichicastenango is a 30 minute detour from your track (turn left at Los Encuentros). On Thursday or Sunday, the market is amazing. Also Lake Atitlan will be distant view, off to the right side of the highway, south of Los Encuentros. If you turn towards Solola (right at Los Encuentros) and drive down to Panajachel, you can get to the lake shore in about 45 minutes. It is considered one of the most beautiful sites in the world. You can see some photos of the lake at . Even a direct route will give you a good view of 6 or 8 volcanoes along the way.

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