
Looking for a serious answer.?

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So I'm walking home from the grocery store and it's about 12 at night. I'm very close to my house and these 2 black girls are gonna be walking past me. As I always do, to anybody, I gave them a friendly nod, it was very casual and last time I checked nodding was some sort of a greeting. HAAAA! I guess not, atleast not to these girls. Because one of the girls responded with "don't nod *****!" I was really shocked. What's up with that, really? I am white. And I just don't understand that. I really think it was black on white hate, and that's sad. Because there's so many steriotypes that white people hate balck people and won't accept them. Meanwhile black people are so much more crual and won't accept white people.

What do you think about all that? Mostly I think blacks aren't understanding enough. Their really irrashional. Just look at gang violence, and crimes.




  1. there were ghetto trash so why worry. i have black friends and co-workers who hate the type of image those morons project more than we hate dealing with or being around them.

    most decent educated black people wouldn't waste their time even acknowledging that those types exist.

    Lighthearted 101: that was one of the dumbest post's i have ever read. you are the only one the board who read something into this posters question. hope you feel better thinking you said something clever....NOT.

  2. I think you should read your last paragraph where you generalize about African-Americans and then reconsider the last two sentences of your first paragraph.  You argue that white hatred of black people is stereotypical, but then you go on to prove that white people are racist.  You've made plenty of your own generalizations.

    Perhaps you should reconsider your own feelings and perceptions about race.  You don't seem to be the most understanding person by the way I read your language.  You're too general and YOU are stereotyping black people when you say "Their (which should be they're--they are, not their) really irrashional (which is spelled irrational).  Just look at gang violence, and crimes."  That sounds like something a stereotyper or racist would say.

  3. It is just ignorance. It could be a Muslim Christian thing and the same kind of c**p would happen. Even rival schools. It is just stupid if you ask me. What are black people mad about? This generation of whites aren't the ones that had slaves? On average people are pretty accepting of everyone. I don't get it.

  4. Were these girls half cast? I live in a half black half white town and I do agree that the blacks do have more hate towards the whites although we pay their royalties and makes sure they get looked after. We have said sorry now although that wasn't important to the black youth as they have not been educated in that. We offer them all the same things but we can't help them until they want to help themselves. We should stop trying to offer help to them until they are willing to ask for it and address the problem/s. They complain we bought alcohol and ruined their culture, wake up Australia, u don't need to drink it! I agree they are racist towards whites. RACISM GOES BOTH WAYS.

  5. Yeah I guess some black people  and even white people are still lost back in time thinking that black and white is as far apart as venus and mars, really in this modern age, people should be seeing black and white as just the colour of our skin, where im from in australia some aboriginal people do insult people adding f****** dumb white c***, but if a white person insulted them with the added black seed or anything they would have a trip to the hospital. But most aboriginals are just as respectful and educated as the white man. I believe that we need to move on from our old ways and just live together, the people that undertreated black people are no longer in existance, we have laws and rights now lets move on and just see eachother as brothers n sisters not colours.

  6. im black and hispanic. and i apoligize for that. i hate this black and white stuff. its ignorant and cruel! we need to get over it, its just color on skin!! thats all people. cant we all just get along....(sigh)anyways sorry you had to go thru it....just keep being polite to all people and if they are mad then forget em!

  7. Uh, ONE Black girl was rude, therefore ALL Blacks are cruel and won't accept White people?

    Can you not see what's wrong with your reasoning here?

    Out of the hundreds of millions of Black people in the world, ONE was rude, therefore all the rest, who had nothing to do with the incident, are guilty.

    It's this kind of thinking that leads people to conclude that there's still prejudice against Blacks.

    Would you have posted this question about ALL Whites if it had been a White girl that had gone off on you?

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