
Looking for a specific Amazon tribe.?

by Guest63381  |  earlier

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I'm looking for the name of an (I believe) Amazon tribe that was featured in a PBS special a few years ago. A peaceful and isolated tribe, living in huts without walls, basically an open commune where everyone had access to everything and used what they needed, and didn't have any personal possesions - it all belonged to the whole tribe.




  1. If you can remember if they were horticulturalists or hunter-gatherers, that would help. Even the size of the village.  The Yanomami have large villages, but are typically not described as "peaceful" (thanks to Napolean Chagnon who termed them the "Fierce People". No group in the Amazon is considered "isolated" anymore due to; deforestation, oil exploration, missionization, etc. Take a look at the Millenium series by David Maybury-Lewis...I think in the first episode he and his team try to track down  a group that no one really knew about (except other indigenous groups).

    But as others have noted, communal living and how this clashes with our notions of private property is hardly unique. Even Columbus was cutting off hands for "theft" when he came.

  2. that is a very vague question and can apply to virtually every indigenous people living in the amazon.

  3. Yanomami (?)

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