
Looking for a specific wireless router?

by Guest67152  |  earlier

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Right now, I'm about to buy a laptop, and with it, a wireless router. I'm looking for something affordable but reliable, so nothing too fancy. I just want something that will provide good connection for a few years to come. I'm not looking for any brand in general, but a certain model that somebody could reccomend for me. Thanks a lot!




  1. For a good, reliable, uncomplicated wireless router I would suggest this one.

  2. linksys

    or netgear

    wireless router.

  3. I use the Linksys WRT54G router for my home network and have for the past two years without any problems whatsoever.  Linksys routers are easy to set up.  I didn't even install their software because I find that letting Windows operate your wireless settings is easiest to use.  Once you connect your broadband modem into your router, simply turn on your laptop and go.  Once your computer connects, type in into your browsers location bar and when prompted, skip the username and under password, enter "admin" (without the quotes of course) once in your router's settings, you can set up a password for entering your routers settings so none of your neighbors can manipulate your settings, and also make a password for devices to use your router, otherwise all of your neighbors will be logging on to your internet for free.  If you choose to use Linksys's software, it will setup your network with a few clicks and help you setup your router so no one can access it without your permission.  My G router from Linksys is so strong it reaches anywhere in the house I want to go,  in fact, my neighbors three houses down get a 3-bar signal from my router.  I haven't invested in an N router because they are expensive and who needs a range that strong.  To me, that's just more people who get my signal and could hack my network for free internet.  I'm sticking with the G technology for now and most likely, your laptop is equipped with a G adapter anyway.

  4. -DIR-655 Xtreme N Gigabit Router

    This router can broadcast all the signals you need to connect to the internet and is a great router. It has three antennas which increase range and eliminate dead-spots in your house with its MIM0 technology.

  5. Linksys is pretty good and easy to connect.

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