
Looking for a story about a bad beat,,,,

by  |  earlier

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Anybody have a link to a bad beat story where someone had quads, and only had the THIRD best hand? Theoretically, someone could even have the fourth best hand with quads. Say the board shows queen, jack, ten of diamonds, queen of spades, jack of spades. Obviously the odds are astronomical, but someone could have AK of diamonds, another 8-9 of diamonds, pocket queens, pocket jacks.

Just curious if anybody has ever seen or heard a story with three or more hands of quads or better on the same Texas Hold'em hand.




  1. Try this it was January 8 2000 the Buffalo Bills were playing the Tennessee Titans and were ahead 16-15 with 16 seconds remaining. You know all Buffalo has to do is kick the ball off and tackle Tennessee. The only shot Tennessee has is some kind of lateral play even Buffalo knows this but can they stop it. Well Frank Wychek throws the ball about 40 yards across the field to Kevin Dyson and he runs 75 yards for a touchdown. Remember bad beats happen in sports also.

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