
Looking for a very small air conditioner can only be 17 inches wide and 14 inches tall. Help!?

by Guest32471  |  earlier

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We have very small windows and I am looking for a 1 room very small air conditioner. The window is 17 inches wide and 14 inches tall.




  1. get a freestanding A/C with a hose that goes to a guard that vents out the window. Soleus makes a few. seen them as high as 12,000 BTU and I know Sam's Club has them near me.  HSN.Com sometimes sells a 10,000 BTU model.  Both are a bit pricey for the BTU's tho.

  2. I saw some tiny AC's at Home Depot last week. Go get one before they're sold out!

  3. buy a portable AC. it sits on the floor with hoseing for the window exhaust. look over th website

  4. ui saw sum at walmart on sale ....:-[

  5. Why not try a portable A/C?

    Even Wal-Mart carries them:

    and you don't have to worry about finding such a tiny unit or enlarging a window.

  6. hey look below!

  7. Google it under shopping. Call your local home improvement store or check e-bay. I honestly doubt they make them that small. My husband works where they sell them & they have never carried them. Your best bet is a very small fan for the window. Make sure you check the dimentions before you buy online. They do sell portable air conditioners that easily can fit any window with some adjustments. The main unit will sit on your floor, there will be a hose and then a pannel to help seal  off your window. The main unit will cool your home!!  :)

  8. Call up Home Depot and ask them.

  9. COSTCO.COM!!!!

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