
Looking for a wine that retails at a wine store not a restaurant for more then $100 that has a s***w top

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Looking for a wine that retails at a wine store not a restaurant for more then $100 that has a s***w top




  1. That's easy...

    Plumpjack - their reserve line - meets those criteria nicely.  They actually pioneered the use of it in California...when their wines came out with that closure, people were aghast (but they indeed knew what they were doing).

    Plus, Burgundy is seeing the effectiveness of the stelvin closure (the trade term for what is known as a "s***w cap").

    Torbreck (from Australia) is also switching to stelvin in their upper-end wines.

    Mollydooker put a stelvin on their Velvet Glove Shiraz, which retails for around $200.

    There are many more out there...hope this helps.

    P.s. - to correct the many errors stated by an earlier poster, 1) many decent - if not great - wines come with a stelvin, 2) a stelvin eliminates the need for needing to lay wine on its side - the main reason it is stored that way is to keep the tree bark (i.e. cork) wet to keep it from shrinking, 3) These closures do not leak anymore than a cork closure does - in fact, maybe less, and 4) there is no metal-to-liquid contact with a stelvin - the oxygen barrier built into the closure ensures that .

  2. I don't think there are any.  In fact, I doubt you can find a wine over $10 that has a s***w top!  Any decent wine would have a cork; and be sealed, so that air can't get into it.  Good wine should be stored on it's side too, and it would leak in a s***w top (besides the metal would taint the wine)

  3. buying a 100$ bottle of wine is stupid, for 10 dollars you get just as good quality. use the 90 dollars for good food.

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