
Looking for adopted sibling?

by  |  earlier

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I was told by an uncle that I have an older brother that was given up for adoption in 1970. I only have the birthdate and have a area in which my mother would have given birth. Do you have a recommendation on how I would go about looking for him? My mother acknowledged the birth, but does not want to talk about it anymore.

I'm not looking for a relationship, but our family has had several health issues that I feel that if he is looking he should at least know I care enough to provide some informaiton.




  1. You can try tracking your brother down through the office of vital statistics in your state.  Depending on the state, you may need a court order for them to unseal the original birth certificate.  If you are in a state that allows free access to records, they will have a copy of the pre-adoption birth certificate with your mom's name on it.  You also may be able to find his new birth certificate with his adoptive parent's name.  If you are able to find out their names, try the website www.zabasearch. com.  I was able to find my best friend's father on that site. It's free and gives the number and address of the person you are searching for.

  2. Some States run Sibling and medical information Registries too.  Look up vital records dept for the State your brother was born in and ask if they have a sibling registry and/or a medical information registry where your Mom can leave information for the adopted sibling, in the even that he registers also

  3. Post what you do have on several adoption search registries.  Most adopted guys do not search for their birthparents, but you never know.

  4. just go to the internet, and there are several sites to look for adopted siblings. my father was adopted, and theres not a good chance youll find him but its always worth a try :]

    good luck :]

  5. Go through the agency they might tell you. And why not what a relationship with your brother he didn't do anything wrong remember your mom gave him away he didn't run away so don't blame him.

  6. Well i think you should go back to your mum and find out why she wont talk about it. My mum was the same and I found out she never wanted me only my older adopted brother. But at least I found out. It is your right to know no matter how painful. It could be something terrible that happened but if he is your brother then you need to know. Otherwise depending on where you live you could try google to find sites of adoption or go to your local department of births, deaths and marriages and find out how to do a search. I am in the process of looking for my birth mother as my adopted mother wont help me. I have got forms sent to me from the agency who knows of my adoption but was told that if my birth mother doesn't want me to know then there is nothing I can do so be prepared you may never be able to find out anything but good luck. :)

  7. If you have a birth date and place of birth - together with your mother's full name - you should place your details on the Soundex reunion register - and if he signs up - they'll match you up -

    Also place details here -

    Check out searching details for your state here -

    Sometimes guys don't search - but sometimes girls don't either - it's different for all. I would have been thrilled if someone from my family had been looking for me.

    Sadly - they weren't.

    I would also see if your mother is open to placing a letter on his file at the adoption agency (if that's who she went through for the adoption) to say that she agrees for info to be released if he does search. It will help him greatly.

    Oh - one more link - for info and maybe some searching help -

    I wish you all the very best.

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