
Looking for advice about what to plant..........

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I have a beautiful terracotta planter. It is shaped like a milk jug but is about 3 foot tall. Really looking for any suggestions about what type of plants would be good in it. It is about 2 foot in diameter at the top and around 2.5' at the widest point.

I think something tall would be good but just can't think of anything.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance




  1. a nice fragrant lily would be my choice, it would act as a free air freshner to

  2. An evergreen wispy grass might do the trick

  3. Get a large flowered hybrid fuchsia, a mature one from the garden centre, it will cost you but it'll be worth it. it will give the the height you mention and also a good width.

  4. Wow, that sounds lovely!

    I can give you some ideas, but make sure you look up your zone to see what you can actually grow!

    The planter is big enough for a deep rooted crop like tomatoes, or cucumbers if you can stick a trellis in it. I picked my first cuke of the year off of my plant today, yummy and rewarding! You could also do peppers.

    If you like to cook, do a herb planter. Basil, chives, mint, dill. parsley, sage, thyme, oregano -- many of them have foliage that look lovely together. I harvested potatoes from my front bed and chives to cook it with today also. Nothing's better than food from your own garden.

    You can also do an annual flower or bulb planter. I love the look of lillies or tulips planted in groups in pots. You can at this point, plant fall bulbs -- tulips, hyacinth, daffodils, crocus, etc. For flowers, the sky is the limit. A lot of annual planters have tall things like curly willow, phormiun, draceana, or ornamental grasses at the back, medium sized flowers in the middle, and trailers at the front. Me, I just plant what I like.

    If you're keeping it indoors, there are a lot of fun tropicals that you can do. Visit a local garden centre to see what they have that looks fun! You can also get good ideas for next year.

    Have fun, be curious, and don't be afraid to try.

  5. How about assorted spice plants, if you cook it will help.

  6. Vegetables or Fruit

  7. Hi Sugar.. i have been giving your question a lot of thought, but the thing is; i don't know where you live or whether you are going to have this indoors or out. Can you add some details and i can come back an edit if i have a brainwave? love ella x

  8. A grass would be nice; there are so many different forms to choose from. One of my favourites is Stipa Donkey Tails.

  9. Because of the shape I would avoid any kind of shrub or perennial and stick to bulbs. The reason being that it is impossible to get either of these out of a planter that isnarrower at the top than at the bottom.

    There are many bulbs to choose from and many seasons to choose from too. For spring try crocus around the outside of a fragrant Narcissus. This is my favourite. The scent is amazing.

    Something like this but replace the grape hyacinths with crocus.

    For summer try something a little bit tender and unusual...  Or these...

    If you want to play it safe or have nowhere to store tender bulbs during winter then lillies are always a pleasure. This is one of my favourites...

    Whatever you decide on please post a link to a picture of it when you have planted it up. It sounds such a lovely container :)

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