
Looking for an Italian translation?

by  |  earlier

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"He who never took a chance never had a chance"

I'd like either a translation or if there is an italian proverb that says somethign similar I'd be itnerested to hear that as well. I'd prefer a translation from someone who speaks italian instead of someone looking it up on alta vista or some other translation site.




  1. Go to " Alta Vista Translator " web site. They convert any language to any other language.

  2. Try posting this in the "languages" category.I'm sure you will have a far better response.Good luck.

  3. "Chi non risica non rosica"  means who don't devote oneself (in doing something) even taking some risk, can't reach important achievements.

    "Ogni lasciata è persa" = if don't take the most of chance, you'd loose the chance (you'll regret it).

    "Chi dorme non piglia pesci" = who sleep can't catch fishes.

    I think it's self-explaining...

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