
Looking for an amp manufactuer?

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In the 80's I had an amp that was made by Acoustic. Soild state amp, 2 channle, solid wood cab with jointed corners and a wicker grill. I can't seem to find any. All I get with searches are results for acoustic guitar amps. help please.




  1. Acoustic was a very well known company that made mainly bass guitar amps.  They were very popular in the 70's, and are some very sought after amps today for that "vintage" sound.  To the best of my knowledge, Acoustic stopped manufacturing amps in the late 80's.. maybe around 88 or 89, as in 87 I purchased an Acoustic B440 bass amp.  This was 440 watts full range, or if you ran it "bi-amped"... it would power 2 separate bass cabs, with 320 watts going to the low end, 120 to the high.  

       You dont say whether this is a guitar or bass amp.  If you offer some more info on this, I can possibly track this down for you.  By the way... Ive seen a couple of low wattage bass amps made by Acoustic this year.  Looks like maybe there back in business!

    EDIT:  I will look in some of my vintage catalogs, see if I can track this down for you.

    EDIT #2.  Ok.. ive found 2 things on here you might want to look into.  While not having a model number for this amp you previously owned, my guide to vintage amps didnt help me to much, although, they have a ton of stuff on "Acoustic" bass amps.

    This first link is of a vintage dealer, who at the time of this search did carry some Acoustic brand amps.  Possibly worth emailing for more help maybe??

    This second link is of a dealer on ebay who is currently selling an Acoustic guitar amp. Dont think this is what your looking for.. but.... maybe worth sending another email out?  Who knows.. he might be able to get what your looking for.

    Hope this has been of some help... theres a couple of dealers on ebay thats also selling Acoustic bass amps... they might be able to help you out as well.

    Edit #3:... be glad to help ya find info on some Legend amps if needed!

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