
Looking for an end to a memorization game that begins with "one brown hen."?

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My math teacher in high school shared with us a memorization game that works with numbers and is supposed to get more difficult, and long, as you go one. He only remembered as far as 9 however, and knew it went longer. Anyone heard of this and know how far it goes? It goes like this (each line is supposed to be added as a person recites the previous lines flawlessly):

One brown hen

A couple of ducks

Three running bears

Four fine hairs

Five fate females

Six simple Simons sitting on a stump

Seven Sicilian sailors, sailing the seven seas

Eight egotistical egotists, eagerly echoing in egotistical ecstasy.

Nine Nubian newts nimbly nimbling on nuts, gnats, nickels and nicotine ....

Yes, it's a strange game I know, but it was pretty fun when our teacher challenged the class to see who could go on the farthest.

Ten, he remembers, begins of with "Ten Tibetan tigers ..." but that's as far as he remembers. Anyone heard of this and know how far this goes?




  1. One fat hen,

    A couple of ducks,

    Three baby brown bears,

    Four rabbit running hares,

    Five, fat, fidgety, ferrets,

    Six simple simons selling salt in Siam,

    Seven salty sailors sniffing snoose,

    Eight elongated elephants elevating on escalators,

    Nine nasty nematoids nibbling on nine nasty nimatoads,

    Ten two-ton two-tone tan trucks travelling from Tallahassee, Tennessee to Tyler, Texas on twenty-two terrible tires and two tanks of Texaco trutest.

    There are other versions:

  2. your teacher is actually teaching you a drinking game lol

    there are lots of variations so you can find all of them on wikipedia:

  3. The one I remember is different - Perhaps its a regional thing.

    One hen,

    a couple of ducks,

    three brown bears,

    four running hares,

    five fat females fixing for a fight,

    six sicilian sailors sailing the seven seas,

    seven hundred thousand macedonian warriors dressed in full battle array,

    eight sheet slitters slightly slitting sheets (cuz I'm the son of a sheet slitter),

    nine sympathetic apathetic diabetic old men on roller skates with a marked propensity for procrastination and sloth.

    and  ten lyrical spherical diabolical denizens of the deep loitering about in the quee of the quay in the cove of the queasy altogether and all at the same time.

    I learned it as a drinking game

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