
Looking for an eye-liner where the line on the inner lower lid stays put?

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I like lining my inner lower lid sometimes. I have tried a few different eye-liners from the drugstore, but none so far as impressed me with that. Everytime I line it, it completely disappears in an hour or so or it's not even visible even while I put it on. I have even tried water-proof ones and it did not work.

Anything u have tried on and found it works great for this? Need something that goes on dark and stays visible and stays put.




  1. try a waterproof eyeliner

  2. i totally understand what you mean. the same things happens to me! but i have two different eyeliners that stay on, but not as long as i would like it to. its the best i could find, though. one is the brand "prestige" from cvs (waterproof) and another is a long-lasting chanel eyeliner.

  3. My favorite is Maybelline Unstoppable. It stays on all day and its so easy to put on

  4. My only suggestion would be to place a concealer under the eye first.  Then use the eye liner you are currently using and set it with a powder eyeshadow that you wet to set it, or you could try an eye liner sealer but you will want to use with the cake liner.

  5. my sister uses this brand called gosh (she lets me use it) and their eye liner is fabilous! It is extremly dark and stays put, even on the lower lid (even if i have to do it over a couple minutes after i put it on because my eyes water vif i get some in ti.) You shouyld try it, but its exspensive...lke, aroud $20

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