
Looking for an honest Republican response? ?

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I'm anxious to hear of an honest major concern about the McCain/Palin ticket from a Republican point of view. No bashing the opposition or name-calling. Just looking for your opinion from a Democrat's point of view. I'll share my concern with Obama/Biden when I chose best answer.

10 points for the best answer for someone to be honest and truthful about what concerns them about their own political party.




  1. well, the whole republican party has left a bad taste in my mouth for the past 20 years, but the McCain/Palin ticket actually has me excited again. I do think that Palin is obviously a little more conservative (for lack of a better term) than i would like. but as a whole M/P has decided my vote for me, I am a firm believer in less government interference in peoples lives, and always will be.

    and my number one concern with voting for a president is who do i want to be Commander-in-Chief. i do not ever want to see our military sacrificed for some entitlement program. especially since i do not benefit from them in any way.

    i also want to know that my personal taxes are not going to increase because of some entitlement program. or health care.

    my one concern is that corporate taxes will not increase under either candidates watch, and i feel that they should, especially on corporations that outsource to other countries, or that import goods as oppose to "Made in America"

    in all reality, I probably would be undecided had Hillary won the nomination, and was running against McCain, but she didn't. My choice was easy.

  2. McCain wants amnesty for illegal immigrants and he also wants to place fees on filing flight plans and he doesn't flat out want abortion to end.  He isn't conservative enough.  In my opinion he's a democrat

  3. here's one....I'm voting for McCain/Palin....honestly...

  4. I would say the most distressing thing is that we have heard very little about the economy during this convention.  This issue is, according to polls, the issue of greatest concern for the American people and it rightfully should be as our economy is limping along while counties like China, India,and others are working so hard to surpass us.  The only thing I've heard so far that you could construe as economic ideas is about energy policy to create new jobs and cutting taxes, which is nothing new and not very specific.  I'm worried that if they don't provide more substance on the economy than the old Republican standbys that they are going to have great difficulty in the debates and with the public in general.  It's not enough to bash your opponent, you have to tell us what you are for as well.

  5. The foremost concern that I, and I am a Republican, that I have with this ticket is that John McCain is 72 years old.  He has had issues with cancer already and would be the oldest 1st term president ever elected.  If he died I would definitely be afraid of a 44 year old 1 term governor from a sparsely populated state with little experience running the country.  This is a major concern.

    Another concern is the race to open up the Alaskan wilderness to oil exploration. Have we learned nothing from the Exxon Valdez?  Accidents happen and some from which we can never recover.  Also, oopening up these fields will just make the drive to find energy alternatives not as important.  

    Finally, I wonder if this administration will have the guts to stand up to big business and make them change how business is being done here in the United States.  These golden parachutes at the expense of our work force is obscene and unforgivable.  Something needs to be done about it.  Will this Republican administration have the fortitude to do it?  I don't know.

    These are my concerns about this ticket.

  6. I was a Democrat (27 years)  but after watching both the DNC and the RNC I was just blown away with Palin.

    Palin to put it bluntly is just home folk.

  7. To be completely honest I do not have many concerns at all, I think Immigration might be one of the only ones. I think Palin is fantastic for sure. I feel very secure voting for them unlike past elections. Like the Govenor of Texas vote - it was like hold my nose and vote but neither candidates I felt were a hundred percent with their chosen parties.

      I feel very secure at the thought of John McCain a strong war hero who already suffered for his country, he has fought for change and has never given up or backed down. I feel America will be in great hands with him.  

  8. I am gonna choose who is gonna do the least amount of damage to this country.

    Mc Cain / Palin

  9. I am an Independent voting for the Dems.  I have many reasons that I think they will make this country a better place.

    My real concerns are as follows:

    1: Subsidies:  I think subsides for oil, farmers (ethanol etc.), meat-packers and the like don't help fulfill the needs of the American people.

    2.  Perhaps no one can unite this country ... I'm not sure either part will be capable of this in the current political atmosphere ... but having said that, I think the Dems do have a better chance of doing this.  

  10. Well, if you're in the Mitt Romney camp, by his speech last night, McCain isn't nearly conservative enough.

  11. My only concern with McCain/Palin is that McCain supports Abortions in some instances and I think that is deplorable. He is the one who will be appointing justices to replace the ones who leave and they will be the people who make such a decision. I hope that Palin's staunch conservative values and morals will be enough to sway him from doing such.

  12. I'm honestly concerned about illegal immigration.  I don't know Palin's stance, but I do know McCain tried to get that amnesty bill through recently, and I did not like that at all.  So I'm concerned what will happen with that issue if/when he becomes president.

  13. My concerns with the McCain/Palin ticket seem to be what most of the other conservative concerns are:  If something happens to McCain, will Palin be able to perform?  Are they alienating their core conservative base?  I am also well aware of McCains views on illegal immigration, but Gov. Palin has failed to let hers be known.  The other big question is can these two lead the country away from an impending economic disaster, or will they kowtow to neocon policies as Bush has done.  I am a part of the religious right and I am more of a traditional conservative than most of the newer group.  I honestly don't think either candidate (both McCain and Obama) are what this country needs.  I agree with Joe Lieberman on the point that what we need is someone who can work across party lines and get bipartisan support on the issues that are affecting us the most.  Neither Obama or McCain will be able to do this I feel.  That is my honest opinion.

  14. Biggest concern for me is the stance on immigration since I don't see much difference between McCain or Obama on the issue.  Other than that, McCain/Palin is as-advertised and has a history of executing real change which is what most voters really want.

  15. we know McCains stance on immigration (not good) and we havent heard what Palins is as of yet.  

    and McCain has stated SCOTUS judges will be in the mold of Alito and Roberts but many fear we will get a Harriet Myers.

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