
Looking for an italian proverb similar to or how to say "he who never took a chance never had a chance?"?

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking for either a translation or if there's an italian proverb that says something similar I'd also be interested in knowing that. I'd prefer a definition from an Italian speaker as opposed to someone just looking it up on babblefish or osme other translater.




  1. In Italian we often say, "ogni lasciata è persa"... which isn't quite the same thing, but basically it says to take chances, and that if you don't, you've lost the opportunity for good. hope that was helpful.

  2. Frankie gave you the best answer.

    An other proverb exist "chi non risica(=rischia), non rosica"

    more or less "he who doesn't take the risk, doesn't eat": it is generally referred to any risk-avoidance choice

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