
Looking for cheapest flight from Chicago to London?

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Am planning a trip to London sometime later this year... Have heard that September through November is the cheapest time to fly... Is this true? Also, would like to know what the best airline is to go out there (I usually go with American, but so far everytime I use them I get a 4 hour lay over... sucks).




  1. Try Virgin Atlantic.  They usually have the cheapest flights between the two cities and are a fantastic airline. Like the previous person said, is a great place to look, but I have noticed they usually don't have the same price you can get when you search directly on for some reason.  I recently saw a flight from Chicago to Heathrow on Virgin for just over $500.  

    I just booked a flight from Denver to London in October on United for $700.  September can still be considered "summer" for some, so the prices might still be high.   I would search mid-October and always try to fly on a Tuesday or Wednesday for the best fares.  Good luck!

  2. hi,my b/friend name to the uk from Arizona and he got his flight on kayak {} either Aer Lingus or KLM try any airline but not American ones  but obviously try and come out of season avoiding the school holidays which are in july sept-nov is a good time to come,good luck in finding a flight....London is a great place you`l love it.oh try and visit more of England there`s lots of great plaes here.

  3. my company name is: C & J Discount Travel and my website is:

    my contact info is in my website, you could booked your owned or you could contact and i'll do it for you to get you the best rates, and i guarantee that my company rates is lower than other.

    anybody else interested in getting cheaper tickets plus theres other benifits in my website.

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