
Looking for comprehensive ^name^ for a world level governing body - political but unlike todays structure ---?

by  |  earlier

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but encompassing the ideal of ^Earth as Family^---starting from 'an individual within the fortress of Family'. Here Individuals Family has to be given the top priority,protection,cover and nursing for its existence, in the overall gambit of things, relations, casts, religions,communities,societies, cultures, political units - be it states, nations etc,etc..

Can somebody suggest a suitable 'NAME' for such an entity?




  1. If the constituents are as dysfunctional as some families are and tend to pull in different

    directions as many nations seem to be doing ,then the most appropriate name would be "DISUNITED NATIONS".

    While your thoughts are noble enough,they are utopian and impractical.What you want is

    SHANGRI-LA as portrayed by James Hilton in his alltime classic "The Lost Horizon".

    Best of luck .

  2. Utopia???

    not very realistic, sad to say

  3. Yogakshemam - best describes.

  4. ^DopeSmoker^

    You are looking for a religious cult not a government.

    the key word you keep using is "has"

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