
Looking for crafts for 2-3 year old kids?

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I’m taking over a 2-3 ½ year old story time at my library and I need simple crafts these young children can do. Suggestions please!




  1. Simple hmmm

    Like coloring

    making paper puppets out of brown paper bags

    Making masks out of paper plates.

    You can buy that really kewl fabric that you can draw on and make little canvas'

    Or like finger painting on doodle paper it doesnt make a mess.

    Maybe making little faces on balloons and u can blow them up for them.

    Or even making bracelets and u can tie it for them. My little nephew did some of those at his preschool.

  2. I dont think at that young of an age you could trust children to put something together using simple tools such as scissors no matter how "safe" or glue or the like. Children are prone to put stuff in their mouths, espically interesting objects that would be ideal in the construction of any craft. I would stick to reading to them to be safe.

  3. Go to

    Good luck and have fun! :-)

  4. making crafts u should make pictures with them

  5. Great question... I'm looking for similar projects for a group I work with at a Parent Co-op.

    Here's one project I've done with 2-3 year olds that turned out well: Take white, cheap paper plates wet them down and have the kids color with washable markers — it mimics watercolors and it's easy cleanup.

  6. A good thing to do for young kids is "premade" kinda stuff.  Like already have the craft but let them put stickers and stuff on it. No paste though.

  7. I have a two year old and a four year old, so I know how difficult it can be to find things that are good for them to do. My kids absolutely love googly eyes, felt squares, and things. They like to use safety scissors to to cut the felt into whatever kind of shape they like then glue googly eyes on them with Kraft School glue.

    They also love to finger paint. What I do is take the long paper rolls (like blank newspaper print or whatever you use for bulletin boards and stuff) and tape it over a table. Then I didn't have to worry about paint getting on the table. I did the same for coloring.

    Both of my oldest daughters absolutely loved these and looked foward to doing the activities daily.

  8. I had a 2-3-year old class and they were crazy for googly eyes!  Get a big bag of self-adhesive ones in various sizes and you can turn just about anything into a cute creature - lolly sticks, paper cups...

    Brightly-coloured pipe-cleaners were always popular, too.

    You could have them make their favourite story character from paper cups - add crayon mouths and hair, googly eyes, and tape on pipecleaners for arms and legs. (you might have to help with that bit)

    Don't underestimate 3-year-olds - here's some of the work the rising 4's at my school did for the school exhibition (on the theme of 'The Very Hngry Caterpillar)

  9. The kids in my son's preschool class, and my son, like to just cut up paper and glue it together. Check out They have ideas for all age groups and If you sign up, they will e-mail you (no junk mail) ideas specific to the age group you select.

  10. make things the kids like.

    for example,

    paper airplanes,play hand games,educational games

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