
Looking for daughter I gave up for adoption 1989 in Portland Oregon.?

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She was born at St Vincent hospital in portland oregon. The doctor's name is Dr. Daulman. I went through the boys and girls socieity for help with the adoption. in portland oregon.

Her birthday is October 7th. she turned 18 last year. I don't know if she knows she is adopted or if she is looking for me?

I am looking for her though. My name is Erika Etzel, I named her Natasha when she was born and her adoptive parents named her Kaitlen? please if this is you, I would like to hear from you..

love Erika




  1. good luck!!!

  2. I found that the International Soundex Reunion Registry has been one of the most complete Registrys out there.  I was adopted from the Boys and Girls Aid Society, Portland, Oregon 51 years ago and just recently received and filled out their Official Registration Form.  Their registry is at an International level therefore covering just about everywhere.  It is free, and will notify you if and when a match occurs, letting both parties aware of the match.  I wish you the best of luck to you.  As an adoptee, I know I want to be able to Thank my Biological Parents for their unselfish act of giving me up and wanting the best for me.  (And yes, part of me would like to know where I got some of my physical features that I have passed on to my 2 girls as well)  Much Luck!  Shannon

  3. If she's 18 then I would suggest to possibly try MYSPACE. Most teenagers have an account there and it's possible that you can fin her.

  4. Ok, well you've got a lot of information to start a search, l've posted a couple of links for you that might be able to help. lf she is looking for you, that would probably make it a lot easier.  lf it was an open adoption, there may be records that the adoption agency you used or he hospital of birth may be able to provide you with, it all depends on the kind of adoption that you agreed upon.  However, keep exploring different avenues, with the amount of info you have, there's a good chance you will find her.  Good luck! - 14k - - 45k

  5. Go to Dr. Phil Show or Oprah Show.

    They can help you find her

  6. I Hope You find her!! please keep trying, Good Luck.

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