
Looking for encouraging words and motivation?

by  |  earlier

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I have decided to go back to being a vegetarian, for many reasons and have decided to stop smoking pot which has become something of an everyday habit. Anyone that has done this please send some words of encouragement and motivation to keep me going.

Also i am trying to cut out my sugars and snacking, im a night time muncher, how do I kick this habit.

Im really trying to turn my life around and become more healthy, for myself and my family.




  1. good for you i give you props on trying to change ... i can tell u  drinkin  lots of water helps  & dont miss any meals that should help w/ the night time for the pot well.. having the night time munchies is a b***h when ur ... . good luck

  2. GREAT!  You can do it!  Think deeply, and now reach into your soul....realize: It is easier to stop than it is to continue.  

    You will accomplish this because you want this for you and for the people that you want to be the best you and that will be even better love from you to offer them...and the rest of the world.  Night time snacking...ummmm, can't help too much with that because I sleep eat.  I clean and find cupcake wrappers under my bed..I wake up with cookie crumbs and cake crumbs in my's no use.  Sometimes in the morning I find the fridge wide only suggestion for night time snacking is allow yourself to do it, yet in moderation.  You don't have to stop EVERYTHING about you...just change the negatives which will allow you to become better.  I don't know of anyone who is bad for night time snacking.  You seem like a great person...and you are about to become even better.  YOU CAN DO IT BECAUSE YOU ALREADY ARE.  : )

  3. Good for you Carrie!

    Being healthy has benefits that will last you for your {longer!} lifetime.

    Just take things one day at a time. Don't set a goal to be pot-free for a month. Get through today first.

    Don't set a goal to be a vegetarian again overnight. Eliminate red meat first. Then chicken the next week. Then pork. Then fish and so on. Gradually transition into abstaining from both. Baby steps are the key.

    I have faith in you! Know that if you need any recipe ideas, we're all here for you. There is so much love in the V/V section (minus the trolls)! We're glad to help and support you in any way we can.



  4. i always like to think about the great people of the past who were are just a few:


    Benjamin Franklin

    Thomas Eddison

    Albert Einstein

    Leo Tolstoy

    Sir Isaac Newton


    Vincent Van Gogh

    Leonardo DaVinci

    Charles Darwin





    Susan B. Anthony

    Martin Luther


    Mark Twain

    Being vegetarian puts us in GREAT company!!! I find it inspiring to think that all of these great minds chose to be vegetarians.  

    It's also a motivator for me to keep quotes about vegetarianism in places where I will see them on a regular basis.  It keeps me strong and reminds me why I chose this lifestyle.

    Good luck! And good for you for choosing to be healthier in an age where most people show little concern for their health.  Giving up smoking pot is a huge step.....congrats on your decision!!

  5. It takes time. And don't try to fix everything at once, I took things one thing and one day at a time. Pick on of the things you want to fix and start there. once you have that under control work on another.

    I had to slowly remove all the animal products from my diet, started with meats and eggs, worked on diary, then started really looking out for things in the ingredients. Once I got that under control I got back in the gym... now I'm slowly working on the toughest one for me which is smoking. Gross but I'm gettting better and I'm close to totally kicking the habit.

  6. If you love animals, and you know what is done to them in order to get some meat on people's plates, remind yourself that being a vegetarian saves a lot of these lives. There are snacks out there that are extremely healthy. Go to a grocery store and find them. Go with a friend who will help you find the right ones, so you can stay away from temptation. Instead of junk food, grab an apple next time you need a snack. Have lots of fruits and veggies available, and get rid of anything you feel too tempted to grab instead of the fruit. Eventually this will be a habit and just keep reminding yourself that you're doing great and making yourself (along with your family) healthy. If you'd like, you can also go to P.E.T.A.'s website ( and register (free) for the message boards. There are plenty of people there that will motivate you and you can even make a few great friends from that. Who knows: some may even be in your area! Have fun staying healthy!

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