
Looking for fertile parrot eggs?

by  |  earlier

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I have an incubator and looking to purchase fertile parrot eggs. How do you go about finding these eggs without risking being scamed? Does anyone know of any good legite sites? Has anyone purchased these eggs online before? Any info will help.




  1. No breeder will sell you eggs and the answer before mine has all the right reasons why not.  .  If you want to try your incubator, try a baby chick.  But then what will you do with it after it hatches.   You have to find it a GOOD home.  If you live anywhere near a chicken farm, you could get one of their fertile eggs and then give them back the baby chick.If you want a baby bird, buy one from a breeder, or start out with a couple of parakeets.   Just remember a baby bird will grow up and live for years and is a big responsibility.  Good luck.

  2. I breed parrots.   No breeded in his right mind would sell an egg....

    1. You do not know if it is fertile until it has been incubate for 5 days

    2. You can not remove a 5 day old egg and ship it anywhere without loseing the baby

    3. Hatching a Parrot egg in an incubator is not a reliable way to hatch an egg. Even experince breeders don't always get every thing perfect.

    Sorry but there is not such site as a "legite site" that sell parrot eggs...

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