
Looking for fertility specialist featured on Dr.Phil 1-2 yrs ago?

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Hi. I am trying to locate a fertility specialist I saw on Dr.Phil quite a while back. All I remember, is he said at his clinic, you pay 1 price, and they keep trying til they succeed (you're pregnant) and at the end of a certain time period, if they were not successful, you get a refund. I remember he was on there to help a couple who had been trying to get pregnant, and the woman was completely obsessed with getting pregnant, stressing hubby out. So Dr.Phil put them in contact with this man, but under the condition they wait 1 yr, with no talk or planning for a baby. (to de-stress the situation, I guess) Anyways, wrote the show, no response, (I'm sure it just got lost in the thousands they get daily) and I'm hoping maybe someone remembers that episode. clinic name, dr. name, anything that could help. Looking up this info for my beautiful niece who would make an incredible mommy. thank you ppl!




  1. Hi, i think it's Shady Grove Clinic. Try Good Luck.

  2. Shady Grove in MD?  That is close to me!  

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