
Looking for flea markets within hours of NYC with CHEAP but unique clothing. I need help FAST! please read...?

by  |  earlier

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I have 2 days (leaving on 6/12/08) to find some flea markets with some great clothes, but CHEAP! I am very broke. I need them for 2 reasons. 1. for photography & in that case, I'm looking for almost anything, old pin up girl syles, long flowing white dresses, era clothing, 50's, 60's & 70's. wedding dresses, tutus, very high fashion looking pieces that no one in their right mind would wear in public, who knows!! but it has to be somewhere where these things were practically about to be thrown away, not where people are going to milk them for all they're worth. Then the 2nd reason I'm doing this is to find VERY UNIQUE, but wearable, hopefully new clothing to bring back and try to resell to boutiques, etc...but I'm not sure if that's a flea market? If I'm wrong, tell me. I know I'm not getting any of that anywhere near me or the city, so I really need help. If you know what I'm talking about, PLEASE give me some input, if not just throw ideas at me..anywhere you've been, you've heard of.




  1. First off, let me clarify that you're not gonna get anything for $0 unless you redefine "I am very broke". Next, certain things out there are thrown away for their very reason they're worth as good as trash.

    You need to polish your words especially if you want to be in this kind of business.(i-e:"no one in their right mind would wear in public")<<----???????? Then, I guess, nobody in their right mind would want to ask for such things. Are you in your right mind?....there's more up there for me to point out but I'd just bury that knowing that you got the point.

    After that, I assume that you have some capital (at least a few hundreds) and some decent expectations on you. You sound like you're wanting to be in some sort of business and not personal. At least, I am getting that impression from this question's category.

    Well, here we go now and let me see what I can help.

    (1) Try this site They may have a bunch of stuff there with the very things you mentioned in mind. See if their source is around the areas you mentioned and you can pick them up yourself to avoid shipping charges if you win them. Keep in mind your profit calculations side by side with the concept that these items can actually sell for more....etc (usual biz stuff)

    (2) Check this flea market source if you can get anything nearby your area. Also research and ask these people who are actually into such things and you might get a decent reply.

    (3) Also hunt on for their bulk listings and you may find a perfect deal that you have in mind. Those deals dont just wait for you and especially at the rate you are asking.

    (4) Just as an example, a more professional business person would hunt on wholesale sellers. i-e.......Also try researching on wholesalers but be careful about people who charge you money to give you a list of wholesalers address or sites. However, there are some sites that may be out there with what you're looking for.

    (5) Check and click on your areas for any listings that fit your criteria.

    (6) Pennypinching? Check out listings and also google pennysaver at New York area.

    (7) Finally, about your wedding dresses, 50's,60's,70's..etc.....huh? why dont you checkout your nearest thrift shop, charity shop, Salvation Army and equavalent of those? They definitely have the stuffs you're looking for although keep in mind that those things are also for the needy people out there and not typically for another business to feed of them. You sound a little desperate and sound like you need some clothings as well. In that case, yep, read (7) again.

    All the best, buddy & wish you success- but clean up your sentences first--!!!!

    That's pretty much I could help now. Take care.

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