
Looking for fun and exciting ways to tell hubby we're pregnant!?

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I just found out yesterday! My husband is out of town until Monday, and I'd like to tell him when he gets home. I don't want to just blurt it out though, I want to tell him in an interesting and exciting way. Any suggestions on how to make it a day he'll never forget?




  1. Draw baby feet and hands on your belly and write "See you in 9 months Daddy"

  2. how ever you do it, it has to be better than the way i told my fiance. i did the test, was so shocked i didnt even think about what i was doing and sent him a text (awful i know) saying 'i'm effing pregnant!'.

    next time i think i'll be a little more tasteful!

  3. make him welcome home cookies decorated like baby booties, get him a daddy card with a little onsie saying #1 dad, take him to supper and put a clean binky in his soda before they bring it out, get a baby bottle and put a note in it expaining, buy some diapers wrap one up and put a baby item inside of it

  4. I always liked that idea of making hubby dinner with things that have "baby" in their name.  Hopefully he'll catch on.   (For example:  Baby back ribs, baby carrots, baby corn etc....)  

  5. Get one of the pregnancy test that says "pregnant". Take the test. When he gets home make him a meal with 'baby' veggies such as corn, carrots, potatoes....etc. Then have the pregnancy test wrapped up in pretty paper and give it to him along with dessert.

  6. On you stomach write (big): "Were Pregnant"

    And when it comes to bed time, go out in your bra and panties and call his name while hes there with you. He WILL notice! Also, its soooo cute!

    Congratulations new mommy! Your so lucky. Congtaulations.

  7. Buy him a baby bottle and stuff a note inside, wrap it up in a box and give it to him. Say, "Welcome back, hon!" When he opens the present, he'll be like, "Why is my present a baby bottle?" and tell him to read the note and quickly scamper out of the room.


  9. If he is a coffee drinker offer to fix him a cup, put it in a "number one dad cup". He'll wonder why he has a number one dad cup and you can tell him. Its not as cute as the writing on the belly, but there you go.  

  10. Well, if you have another child, make a tee shirt that says, "Best big sister or brother", if not make him a mug made "#1 Dad".

  11. What i did for our first baby was....

    I told him that I put a beer in the fridge for him and  for him to grab it. Inside was the ultrasound with a balloons say'n number one dad.

    He couldn't believe it.

    with our second baby I wrote him a note saying you + me = baby

  12. You should just hand him the Positive Pregnancy Test... and watch his reaction!  :) I know its not that out of the ordinary but Its still exciting and Im sure he will never forget it!


  13. congratulations! the kids happy meal always get them, just place it in a giftbox and tell him its a little something for him.  a pair of unisex baby booties and a card, a trip to the local playground...

  14. Plan a nice homemade dinner, and for dessert have a cake that is related to a baby (bottle, diaper, or even baby shaped) write on it welcome home "daddy to be"...That was my plan but i couldn't wait I called my hubby and said "good morning daddy" I love you and hung up.  He was on his way home from work so when he got home i showed him the ept. Congrats

  15. Remember that no matter how you tell him, he will never forget!.. You would go and get a baby picture frame and put in it a paper that says "baby picture to be taken (your due date).. or along those same lines you can get a picture frame that says "daddy" on it and put his picture and put it on the coffee table.. or a well noticeable place.

    You could always make the "baby" dinner that is focused on foods that have the word baby "baby carrots" and ask him is he sees a theme to the dinner..

    You can play a game to tell him.. a picture game, a word game..

    you could go out and get those fridge letters for children (that have a them at walmart in the toy section for like 88cents a pack) and spell something out on the fridge like "we're having a baby!" or you can ask him to go get you a drink and then write "thank you daddy-2-be" on the fridge with the letters..


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