
Looking for golf buddy/buddies?

by  |  earlier

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I live in greater manchester originally from Ireland i used to play of 2 but havent played for a while and would like to get back into it. None of my mates play or are interested in the game.




  1. why don't you join face book, or my space and set up a golf group, who knows you might find someone who just lives round the corner from where you are, good luck.

  2. Go to the golf course you want to play at and you will find people who won't mind having another person with them

    Either somebody just one their own or a group of 10+

    On a friday I play with a group of about 10+ who all chuck golf balls up and we go off in groups. and if anybody on their own wanted to play we would let them

  3. You shouldn't have any worries; I walk on at courses all the time; most often I'll get paired up with another group and we'll be off with no worries.

    With that being could try to social networking thing online (myspace, facebook, etc.).

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