
Looking for help from the gers fans?????

by  |  earlier

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im keeping waking up and laffing at your teams not sleeping right.and its keeping wee errra awake all night.heheheheheheh not to mention bluebell,bluenose,wee ger,etc etc etc




  1. Humpty dumpty sat on a wall.

    Humpty dumpty had a great fall.

    All the kings horses and all the kings men - Laughed.

    Is that what you want.

    Cos that's what'll happen.

  2. I will help you all you want to sleep like a baby but I warn you it won't be pleasant lol

    You will keep me awake tonight also though as I will be busy lmao at your hair!!!!

    right I can either be gentle or snap you like a twig ma wee GREEN haired adonis,ffs get rid of the pink wtf has Erra done to you!!!!

  3. Ask the Rankers team doctor what he gives his creaking defence, every time I've seen them they look fast asleep  

  4. Best way to get a sleep is to watch a full Rangers game your bound to get a peaceful sleep then.

  5. Dont worry once your teams inept performances catch up to them and their luck finally runs out you will be sleeping easy as you wont need to worry about them winning anything...only difference between the two this year is your pathetic shower are gonna get paid for being rubbish and getting dumped out of the champions league

  6. out of all the Glasgow teams, i will remind you all that its Partick Thistle who has made the best start of the season, and with another win tonight....i feel we might not f*ck this season up as we do almost every other one....

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