
Looking for horse race betting syndicate that pays?

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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I am looking for horse race betting aid through which I can secure my horse race betting profits. Can you help me lookup for a horse race betting syndicate that pays good?




  1. is a horse race betting syndicate, We pool together funds from all of our members and use these in an attempt to generate profits.

    we use the experience of members to assess form, gather information and seek value. The biggest advantage we have over the regular punter is access to large stakes.

    Apart from Global Punters, all betting syndicates we know of recruit members by invitation only. Private syndicates are restricted to around ten members, each of whom puts a large amount into the pot to fund syndicate bets. Global Punters intention is to run a syndicate which is open to everyone and members need no racing or betting knowledge. Each Global Punters member can join our syndicate by betting as little as $25.

    If you are a horse racing fan or simply wish to try a new way of attempting to generate a profit then is the solution for you.

    We provide a forum for our members and are more than willing to confirm our identity, address & phone number for your piece of mind.

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Latest activity: 11 years, 1 month(s) ago.
This question has 1 answers.


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