
Looking for ideas for boy's second b-day party.?

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My son turns 2 in July and we are having a party in the park. I am looking fun and different games/activites, food to serve, gift bags for kids 2yrs - 11yrs. Any ideas?!?




  1. Wow,

    that sounds like a lot of fun.

    For a two year olds birthday perhaps simply have kids blow bubbles,that is fun and it's easy to do for all ages.

    For food maybe create your own sandwiches,with food allergies it might not be a bad idea to have either bread or soft shells to make sandwich wraps,with meat or cheese or peanut butter.

    My favorite childhood memory was cup cakes made out of ice cream cones no messy cup cake wrappers U simply make them as U would make cup cakes. I am going to make some tonight out of angel food cake mix. Kids love them and so do adults.

    Gift bag ideas perhaps have them make a bird feeder to take home. It could be a simple and creative idea for all ages a bit messy to do at times but what fun outdoors and if it's too messy the birds are awarded with yummy bird seed and peanut butter just be careful not sure if this ok for kids with allergies or not.

    How to do it:

    spread peanut butter on a pine cone and roll it in bird seed.

    For beverages make a water cooler full of ice cold lemonade or party punch with fruit punch and ginger ale or sprite mixed in it.

    Have fun and big hugs to your son,


    Mom of five,four that walk and one with wings ^ô^

  2. go to your local dollar tree, they have awesome decorations! i love the idea of a pirate themed party, especially since its going to be outdoors! you could do a treasure hunt, and have the kids dress as pirates!

  3. food for serving can be:

    donuts, chocolates,soft drinks, lezania, pasta,pizza,decorated cake for birthday boy, chicken bread, chicken sandwiches,chocolate chip biscuits,patis,chesse chips,

    games for playng can be

    muscical chairs,baseball or races

    gifts for kids can be

    colorng book,color pencil, geometry box, puzzle, stuff toys,barbie for girls,cartoon cds,video games cdz

    bst of luc 4 ur kidz birthday hop u ll enjoy

  4. FOOD: serve PB&J sandwiches cut into shapes with cookie cutters (stars, hearts, etc.)at toddler parties. If you don't want to do PB do cream cheese and jelly or just strawberry flavored cream cheese. Animal-shaped sandwiches, bite-size pieces of cucumber and tomato, mini party pizzas, jellies in little pots (you can buy ready made) and iced party biscuits are always popular. You will need enough high chairs or small, child-sized tables and chairs -- or how about a picnic, perhaps a teddy bear picnic, on the floor. Choose a bold, instantly recognisable cake, possibly of your child's favourite TV character or shaped like one of his favourite toys, such as a train. Food is bound to be spilled, so spill-proof cups and party food boxes are an excellent idea. Also, mini bagels, taquitos, chicken nuggets (traderjoes has yummy ones). Pasta salad is also popular.


    Most children of this age love dressing up, so keep a box of dressing up clothes handy. Balloons are great fun, but the noise of them bursting may scare more timid tots. Remove burst ones quickly, for safety's sake.

    Simple but structured games with clear instructions, like Ring o' Roses, Simon Says and dancing to music are great fun. Action rhymes go down well -- or consider a short story after food to calm them down for home time. If you have prize games, like Pass the Parcel, then you need to ensure every child receives something to avoid tears -- at this age, they don't understand rules too well! They'll love to make a noise, so blowers and horns will create great excitement. Outdoors, a bouncy castle may work well, but will need a large garden space and plenty of supervision. In warm weather, a paddling pool and garden toys will create all the fun that's needed, but, again, spot-on supervision is needed (and plenty of shade from the sun).

    PARTY BAGS:Don't spend a fortune, but beware of too many cheap sweets which are usually high in colourings and may contain gelatine (unacceptable to vegetarians). Cheap plastic toys, such as replica animals, purses, glittery bangles, plastic sunglasses, whirly windmills and magic painting books will provide excitement and amusement.

    Have fun =D


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