
Looking for info about adoption laws. I'm looking for my son born August 9th 1973,?

by  |  earlier

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All I know is the adoption agency was off colonial drive in Orlando Florida, but when I contacted them I was told they could take my info in case he ever looked for me but they could give me nothing concerning him. My heart aches. He will be 35 this Aug. He was born at ormc with complications, my appendix burst as I went into labor. The Lord intervened and pulled us both through. I was told back in 1973 that he was adopted by a wonderful family in Apopka Florida. I just want to know if he truly is Happy. I need to know because I can't forgive myself for letting my precious baby boy go




  1. My heart breaks for you. I found my bdaughter in 2001, she was almost 30. I lived lie and felt such heartache until we were reunited. A search angel found my daughter, she no longer searches, but many people in this forum have some good links for you to seach.

  2. Here is a link that cites the Florida adoption laws.

    Florida is a closed records state, meaning that your son would have to petition the court for his original birth certificate.

    There are reunion registries available for first parents and adoptees who are hoping to make contact with one another.  The largest is the International Soundex Reunion Registry:

    Florida Adoption Reunion Registry:

    You should also check out Tina's Florida Adoption Information Page:

    Because of the feelings you are experiencing you may want to hook up with organizations specifically for first parents that deal with their issues.

    Concerned United Birthparents:


  3. I wish you a lot of luck hun...God Bless you in your serach.


  4. Here is a link to the florida laws and some links at the bottom of the page go to great florida groups for searching check em out!

    don't forget the

    and use adoption.coms reunion registry too, its big!

  5. oooo, you need to be writing to the legislators.   People are speaking for you, opposing adult adoptees having access to their own records, saying that you don't want to know about your child, that you want annonymity from your child - did you know this

    I'd recommend putting yourself out there to be easily found and searching registries, the largest of which is

    Another good one is


    I totally understand you want to know about the well-being of your son.  I would love to let my mother know I'm OK and had the good life she wanted for me, but the State and opposers of open legislation won't allow it

    The Government has no place interfering with how adults conduct their own relationships.  Apparently they feel adoptees and their parents don't deserve the same freedom of association that other citizens take for granted every day.  We are, in effect, second class citizens under the law

    Sorry for the long answer - off on a tangent slightly lol

    I hope you find your son, and I hope you find him well x

  6. I under stand what your going through and i wish i could help My only sugestions are to mabe get a privet detor i no you can leagaly search for them after the age of 18 or you can alays go the free rout and call the talk shows wich pay for every thing it dose explot your life but if its worth it to you then thers a nother rout Good Luck!!!

  7. Have you tried the Soundex registry?  It's a place where birthparents and adoptees can register their contact information for a reunion.  I've heard it has the largest database of people seeking reunion, and know several people who have found their families that way.

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