
Looking for info on reflexology for plantar fasciitis...?

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Any locations that help with this condition???




  1. Reflexology is a completely useless body map system of "healing".  

    Ironically, the massage they do on the feet, may actually help temporarily with the pain of plantar fasciitis.

    For Halema  :  Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence.  I'm not denying a foot massage feels good.  It's just that's all it is.  (and both your links are dead)

  2. Reflexology can help relieve the pain of plantar fasciitis by stretching and relaxing the muscles and ligaments of the foot, as well as the calf. When these areas are relaxed, circulation to the foot and lower leg is improved. As a result, the client experiences less pain and increased ease when walking, standing, and participating in daily activities.

    The point to work is in the center of the bottom of the foot, half way between the heel and the ball, and half way between the inside and outside edges (perhaps slightly closer to the inside).

    The arch muscles generally feel best when pressed on an angle, towards the outside of the foot. But this is a minor point: any angle will do!

    For SkepDoc: “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”

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