
Looking for info ont he merger between Sirius and XM radio!?

by  |  earlier

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Maybe where to find out about the programing changes.




  1. Check out or (basically identical sites).  They list the proposed post-merger pricing plans.

    Also check out for an unbiased analysis.

  2. The merger is a ?wonderful? idea.  Two companies who can't make it on their own, who have broken about every promise made to the FCC when they were formed, who have done many illegal things since getting on the air and who have consistently lost money, are going to get together.  They promise things will be better, but the only way they've made it so far is severe competition, so when the combine and the competitiion goes away after a merger who's to guess what will happen to the things that the competition has created, and why should we beleive that the monopoly will not raise prices?  They are mutually incompatilbe receivers and systems, so new radio receivers will be needed thus making your existing one obsolete.  Prgramming?  That's the least of your worries.

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