
Looking for information on old southern living?

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I am basically obsessed with the movie Gone With the Wind....and Im curious about basic things about life during that time period (civial war and before)...

I've tried looking it up numerous times but no luck finding what I want to know...

Any help would be appreciated.




  1. You might like the book, Road to Tara by Anne Edwards.  It tells Margaret Mitchell's story and about her insprirations.

    One thing you learn is that the book is historically accurate.  If she says it rained at a battle, it did.  The things they do to get by, are what everyone did to get by.

    Where do you live?  Can you go to a local college or university's book store and look at the books for history majors?

    Try doing a search for 'life in the old south' and see what books come up.

    If you can, go to the Antebellum homes, the guides will happily share their knowledge.  You might also think about checking with a local Daughters or Sons of the Confederacy chapter.

  2. There is no shortage of books on your topic:  "oldest confederate widow tells all" is a good one to start with.  It's about a young woman who married a confederate soldier and life just after the civil war (with much about life during the civil war) and leads into the 20th century.  As someone else pointed out, do a search on the south/civil war, etc and you'll get all kind of information.Of course most books about famous soliders from the south, i.e., gen R.E. Lee, Gen Longstreet, JEB Stuart, Stonewall Jackson, JT Beauregard,  etc., will have peripheal information about southern living during that era.  Also try info about antebellum homes, slavery, king cotton, and causes of the civil war.

    good luck

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