
Looking for investers to build shopping mall.?

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Looking for investers to build new type of shopping mall in Las Vegas NV.

This is a new concept to shopping and enterainment.

Need help with finding envesters to get started.




  1. You need to have a business plan.  A business plan is a lot more than just a good idea.  It shows that you have worked out the issues for your idea, or at least most of them.

    I don't know much about shopping center development, but as an investor I would want to see in your plan issues like site selection (how will you pick your location?), traffic management issues, the competitive situation (is there another mall across the street? If so, how will this one be different?).  Who are your target customers?  How will you reach those people?  Are there any legal obstacles, such as zoning or environmental issues?  If so, how will you overcome them?

    Most of all, of course, you need to have some idea of the costs involved, for construction, for zoning, for road access, and for the operating expenses.  Your business plan should show that you have thought all of this through, or at least enough so that investors have some idea that you know what you are getting into.    If I have, say, $5 million to invest (I wish!), what will I get for that?  Ten percent ownership?  One percent?  Fifty percent? Do I get any security?  

    The answers matter, but they don't matter as much as showing that you have thought carefully about the questions.  There are lots of resources out there to help you develop a business plan.  Here are a couple, but if you Google "develop a business plan" you will get a lot more.

    Once you have a business plan, you are in a position to talk seriously with potential investors.  Makng an investment in  a new business is mostly making an investment in the person with the idea.  Show those investors that you can be trusted with their money and can help them make more.  After all, that's why they are investing.

    I hope this helps.  There is nothing as rewarding as coming up with the idea for a new and different business, helping it "hatch," and seeing it prosper, so I wish you the very best of luck!!

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