
Looking for moms to just talk to....?

by  |  earlier

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I am a SAHM to 5 kids. It's a tough job. Mostly fun and rewarding but some days I get lonely and just want to cry. My husband (thankfully) has a great job but it requires him to go on bussiness trips about 4 times a year, 1 week each. It's depressing being home with no adults to talk to. Anyone reccomend a Yahoo group for moms to just talk? Or anyone want to e-mail?




  1. I am mom. Course single mom of two boys and pregnant again. This baby father didn't respect me. I left him. I found someone a guy that interested dating me now. We talking and getting to know each other. I do miss talking to someone or some to extra to love. try that out.

  2. NO WAY IM A MOOM TOOO!!!!1 greater for us GRACIE & TY ARE THE BEST!!

  3. Im not a mum but what a good idea! hope it all goes ok for you! also why not try and go to mother an toddler groups as this will give your children time to play and you time to meet other mums!

    Good luck! xx

  4. I like this group but you have to be accepted. Check it out, these are very nice women in this group and they always like to help of just chat.

  5. hi nice to meet another mum of 5 i have 3 girls and 2 boys and its madnesss innit it?i have sent an email i think i have done it properly >>>>

  6. I have a 1 year old daughter and I'm expecting my second in 15 days. Also a stay at home mom. I used to be a pre-school teacher. So I too get lonely not having much to do other than the usual SAHM. I completely understand what you mean. I have joined Their are hundreds of chat rooms you can join. I love going in their and asking for help or just talking about something random. I recommend it to any mom. My e-mail is open on my profile here also if you ever want to talk. I love being a SAHM but your right, it can be down right lonely at times. I would love to have a friend to talk to anytime I need them.

  7. I am a SAHM also.  I hear you about being bored too.  It's nice to talk to an adult sometimes:)  Hang in there!!!

  8. I get lonely a lot too.. I will e-mail you anytime! I would enjoy that!

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