
Looking for more from a job

by  |  earlier

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I am looking for a career change, not sure what to do, does anyone have any suggestions, nothing rude please, lol would like to be not so much office based, id like to travel around quite a bit, within the customer role, maybe something with in a charity, i am currently a manager for a lettings agency, but am bored to tears of it, Grrrrrrrr any ideas




  1. Jobs involving travel with most charities are managerial ones and most charities promote from within where possible.

  2. then work supporting people with special needs it will get u out and about and make u realise how lucky u r good luck

  3. try to own your own business then you can travel and be your own boss

  4. Do a year in retail.

    After dealing with the insanity of the general public you'll be ready for anything!

  5. Best thing to do is get in touch with the charities and churches in your area and see what your options are. Try to make it a charity that you really care about, it'll just make the job that much more rewarding. There are tons of non-profits always looking for extra help. If you are looking for something else not too office like, what about working on a cruise ship? Or working with an airline? Photojournalist, salesperson, oh lets see, tour director. I'm sure I'll think of more later but right now I'm blanking. Hope I helped a little tho! OH yeah I forgot to add...activies director for, well, anywhere (nursing homes, schools, groups, etc.) I don't really know if they travel but you'll be working with people and it kinda sounds fun :-)

  6. I worked for 4 years in market research carrying out radio listening surveys.

    I got sent usually within about 35 miles of my home, and sometimes up to 100 miles away to the coast (when cover was needed). I enjoyed the work and it is much better paid than you would imagine.

    The best thing about it was going to a new village or town each week...and people were very receptive as a lot of people like the radio.

    Good luck, with your new career, I hate working in offices too!

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