
Looking for new books?

by Guest32295  |  earlier

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I'm looking for some new books to read. I usually read heavy stuff. (lit,history, philosphy) Now, I'm looking for something a little more escapist. If you know of any breezy reads, light fun fiction (think "Where is Joe Merchant?", authors like Florence King, light fun bios, good detective mysteries, amusing short stories), please let me know. The heaviest I'm willing to go is true crime, if it's well written.

Please don't say Twilight, Harry "Freakin' " Potter, or LOTR (I don't even know what this means... laughing on the roof???)

Any suggestions will be appreciated.






  1. Why not try one of Michael Connelly's novels. He writes great crime thrillers. My fav's are The Poet, The Black Echo and The Black Ice. Please read one of them, I guarantee (hope) you won't regret it.

    Enjoy!   :)

  2. Miss Shumway Waves a Wand - James Hadley Chase

    Rear Window and other stories - Cornell Woolrich

    The Old Reliable - P.G.Wodehouse

  3. Nicholas Sparks novels are amazing and deep books, such as The Notebook or A Walk to remember.

    Stephen King also has great books.

    The Series of Unfortunate Events are also very good.

    If you want to try something more girly and sexual, try The Clique or Gossip Girls. lol

    Also Cynthia Voight books such as Homecoming or Dicey's Song.

  4. i like the book thief privet peacefull they might be a bit young  for you you may just have to look in to them a bit more !!!!!!! LOTR is probs lord of the rings  

  5. try darkly dreaming dexter by jeff lindsay. it's about a serial killer who only kills the bad guys. it's actually quite funny, as well as a really good book.

  6. try the Nancy Drew series..they r gr8..

  7. Nicolas Sparks? Very moving emotional novels and intelligent too. Amazing how a guy can write about women's feelings and be so right.

    The same (i mean writing about women) can be said about Eric Jerome Dickey.
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