
Looking for paranormal experiment ideas?

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I'm a paranormal researcher and I am always trying new ideas for investigations. In a few weeks we will be going to one of the, reportedly, most haunted places in the United States to investigate. My main area of research is evp. Does anyone have ideas for experiments I might try?




  1. Finally another investigator. If you take pictures in black and white/color pictures at random areas of places, you can find interesting things. Its hard to capture ghosts on a video camera, so what one of my pals does is that he places the camera in front of a mirror (at an angle), and he captures some creepy stuff that comes up. There is some magnet experiment, I will look it up and try to find it and send it to you.



    Found the magnet experiment, you place 6 magnets around you and you stand up and have someone take pictures of you, sometimes you can get better quality photographs. But i never tried it.

  2. I like the tried and true method leaving a voice activated recorder in a room or an area where there will be no one for a while.  As a matter of act, there have been times when we will set up an entire home or area with VA recorders, video cameras and cameras that will automatically take a picture if something moves in its field of vision.  Then we would lock down the area or house and stay gone for one hour.  We have enjoyed some success with that method.

    Good luck with your experiments, I hope you have a great time!

  3. Do what we call a group EVP.  My team members stand in a circle and each of us has a digital recorder.  The circle can be as big as you like. Then, holding the recorders in front if us, we do a recording session.  We ask what ever questions come to mind.  When the recordings are played back you can zero in on where the spirit was in the room.  On some recorders the answer is very faint, where the one next to them would be louder, etc.  We worked on a murder investigation last year where the family came out to their murdered sons property.   We did an EVP session with four recorders, all held by the family members.  We discovered that for some reason, the spirit was staying right around his dad.  His mom had some answers on her recorder, but they were faint.  No one else  had any.

    We also left recorders in a house with no one in it for three hours. (never again that long.  Took two days to listen to it all)

    We did get some amazing stuff on them.  The mother of the house asked the spirits there to leave her children alone and we had EVPs on all the recorders but the one in the kids room.

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