Okay so the deal is i think i may be pregnant i find out tomorrow I want to keep it but my boyfriend of over a year and a half does not want a child Im young, 17 years young, i honestly think i can do it but my boyfriend (almost 20) says its going to ruin his life. I love him and dont want to do that to him and i dont want to lose him but im not sure how i can cope with all of this.
Parents: How did you cope with putting your child up for adoption, how did you feel seeing your child then well not letting it go but yeah.. and any aditional details.
People who were adopted/put up for adoption: How do you currently feel about your birth parent(s), how did you used to feel about them, do you wish that you knew your birth parents, are you angry any aditional details.
So basically im looking for advice, and answers please help. I dont want to make the wrong decision and regret it later. If i decide to keep it (we talked before and got in a HUGE fight over it) how can i get