
Looking for places to eat in Hollywood?

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My friend and I are going to Hollywood and want to have the best experience. Food, of course, is included in that. Any suggestions for where we should eat? We pretty much love all types of food so there's no preference there. We want to experience a little bit of that Hollywood vibe wherever we go!




  1. Well, I'm not sure what your price range is, but the Falcon or the Geisha House are both fun, Hollywood-vibe spots.

  2. Asia De Cuba on Sunset is great.  Also on Sunset, Katsuya for Sushi or Ketchup is supposedly really good (I have not been)

  3. ok in hollywood Pinks they have the bomb hotdogs not only that but stars go in there sumtimes who knows u might get lucky and idk if this is in  hollywood but u should check out Pann's they have fresh homemade food and the lady that owns it is in her 80's and greets the people and she is the cuttest little old lady  but check out those spots

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