
Looking for plots twist/idea!!! Need help with fleshing out/molding this story idea please?

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I have an idea I seriously would like to mold into a short story but having LOTS of trouble.

The idea is "what if God gave up on man?", what if a divine power who ever it may be just looked at us as a human race and just said forget it I'm DONE with you guys, fend for yourselves and your own faith.

I need a fresh gimmick (story or idea) on how to demonstrate ordinary characters/people in extrordinary circumstances....need fresh ideas or twists on molding this short story a bit more to grab a reader's attention if at all possible.....

I would like to incorporate a tattooed older guy in his 40's kinda of a hermit who has no belief in god in the first place like he lost his faith long time ago because of something vile or so wrong that happen in his life and he come across a very broken young women in her 20's who like him is broken herself but both of their paths cross and they somehow restore a balance or order of faith back in the world and the divine power is just mystified at the lengths they go too in believing again.....

I would truly appreciate any help/ideas you guys could offer. Thanks a big bunch.




  1. I am a tattooed guy of 46.I live on my own, more or less in a hermetically sealed standpoint.I have rejected main-stream religion because it perputates a lie and does nothing to relieve the suffering of humanity.It is a source of conflict and greed and leads to the abuse of power.I have been through a lot which i wonnt divulge here but if you read my posts you will see where I am coming from.I write poetry and I love music and art that has an esoterical point of view.

    I have been around.I have been a soldier,roadie,bouncer,prisoner,hospital patient for drugs and alcohol.I think your character should see this girl as a mystical fallen Helen of Troy and he would be like Simon Magus who challenged Peter in the Acts in the Bible.He is also the root of the word Simony.

    Your idea has great potential in that it reflects what all broken spirited and hearted people need.To look into another persons eyes and know in this universe right now you are not alone and God...Jesus...

    Mary of Magdelene can be found in the act of transformative love.

    I'd like to help you develop this further if you dont mind.I can be contacted.I have wrote for the screen and for plays in the past.  

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