
Looking for recipes using Maca Root Powder?

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Maca is a Peruvian herb, that is suppose to help with many things, including increasing your energy. I've been told you can cook with it, baking and in blender drinks. Any ideas?




  1. The flavor of it by itself is nice enough, slightly sweet and a bit nutty with a touch of malt. I use it simply... sprinkling it on hot cereal or just mixed in some cold milk or almond milk.

  2. it tastes like a combination of peanut butter and asparagus.  You can just put a teaspoon of it into a glass of water and drink it.  You don't need a big glass, just enough to wash it down.  You also don't want to take more than 2-teaspoons a day and you want to avoid it in the evening or when you want to sleep.

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