
Looking for sayings or quotes for missing my boyfriend thats in the army?

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i was wondering if anyone knows or has any good quotes or sayings for someone thats missing their boyfriend thats in the army? please let me know, thanks




  1. look up stuff on ...great website usually has every subject

  2. There's that oldies song, "Soldier Boy." It goes," Soldier boy, oh my litlle soldier boy, I'll be missing you.  You were my first love, and you'll be my last love.  I'll be true to you...."

  3. I found a few, just to get you started, but speak from your heart.  What you feel, say.

    Whenever you feel a warm breeze brush against you, that's the kiss I blew to you.


    Though miles may lie between us, we're never far apart; true love doesn't count the miles, it's measured by the heart.


    Missing someone gets easier everyday because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw them, you are one day closer to the next time you will.


    We are the perfect couple, we're just not in the perfect situation.


    I still have the letters that my husband and I exchanged while he was in VietNam, and am almost embarrassed sometimes when I reread some of the mushy stuff we wrote to one another, but it held us together then, and I wouldn't change a word of it.  (Heaven help us, though, if anyone else ever finds them.)

    Oh, well, I guess it won't hurt a thing if our grandkids see that the old guys were once just as hot as they themselves are today.  May God bless you both, and return your sweetheart safely to you.

    {Just reread your question, and noticed you said "boyfriend".  My husband and I were already married and had children when he was serving in RVN, so we had already made our commitment to one another permanent.  Don't get too rash and make a promise or commitment you may be unable or unwilling to keep upon his return.  That would be more hurtful to him than never having read sweet words from you.}

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