
Looking for some advice for a day trip to Dublin.?

by Guest56989  |  earlier

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Five of us are going to Dublin on Wed for a day trip. Would it be better to hire a car for the day or go on the bus into the city centre? I can hire a car for £27.00 for the whole day so I am not sure if that would work out cheaper than five of us getting the bus into the city centre. Someone told me there is not any places to park the car in Dublin. What advice could anyone give me and do you know how much is it for the bus from the aiprport into the centre of Dublin. I thought the car would be better as we could go and see more of the city plus travel outside the city and see a bit of the surrounding countryside. I have got my TomTom so not worried about getting lost. Is petrol expensive in Ireland?




  1. Hi, The bus is 6 euros for an all day rambler, It's an Airlink bus number 748, or 747, so as you have guessed you can get to Dublin and then back to the airport for just 6 euros.  We did this in April we just went out for the day to Dublin and got the bus. The bus stop to go back to the airport is just outside the bus information centre on O'Connell St. It's just passed the post office.  It's a long journey from the airport to the centre of Dublin.  When you get there go on a tour bus, well worth the money it's around 14 euros.  Have a great day. wish i was going again soon.

  2. If you want to drive around Dublin looking for a place to park and then pay thru your nose for that privilege, rent the car.

    If you want to see Dublin, take the bus from the Airport (or a Taxi, for 5 that may be less expensive) then walk around or take a tour with the bus, better yet, do both.

  3. get the bus cuz you will be to pissed to drive

    no wait get the car the bus driver will be to pissed to drive

  4. u should take the dublin tour bus  it goes around the whole city and visits all the famous sites. then u can go in the city centre  dublin is beautiful

  5. bus

  6. Take the airport bus that drops you off in O'Connell Street - right in the middle of downtown Dublin. There you can pick up one of the city bus tours - the get on- get off ones so you can see most of the sights and then wander down across the Liffey to Temple Bar - you can see the Book of Kells at Trinity if you want to or just walk around along the cobbled streets and hang out in some of the most amazing pubs you'll ever experience.

  7. like everyone else said , get the bus. Dublin is a relatively small city, and if you use the hop on hop off bus, it brings you to places like the Guinness factory or wherever. I was in town yesterday and noticed it was €14 per person.

    Dublin is a nightmare to drive in, all one way systems, poor road markings, poor road signs and unless you know where you are going , you'll end up going around in circles. I'm a native Dub, and I hate it. I always get the bus into the city.

    And there is a lot to see in 1 day, so a trip into the countryside will probably be just too much to do.

    get a 7 seater taxi at the airport, probably €30 between you.

    enjoy, bring a rain jacket, still bloody raining here. I was soaked yesterday

  8. You can get a bus cheaply from the airport to Dublin city centre, they have tour buses that take you round the city that you can hop on and off at your convenience too, I wouldn't hire a car, too busy and no fun if you want a drink, take the tour bus and have a good laugh along the way, much more fun.

  9. Don't hire a car just for Dublin city! You'll end up paying at least as much again for parking. Take the bus, or taxis if there are 5 of you. Much cheaper. Plenty to see in Dublin for 1 day anyway.

    Ireland is still comparatively cheap for petrol, it's the one thing that is cheaper here than in the rest of Europe.

  10. If you only have a day in Dublin and want to see the sites in City Centre, take the bus.  You can catch the 747 bus outside the airport terminal.  Get off at O'Connell.  You will be in the heart of City Centre.  From there you can walk to many of the City Centre sites.  There's plenty to see in City Centre.  If you need some ideas, let me know.  BTW...when you arrive at the airport, go to the Tourist Office.  You can buy a packet of 5 bus tickets (the rambler - good all day) for about 18 euro.  

    If you plan on visiting multiple sites in City Centre, you might want to opt to buy a 1-day Dublin Pass for 31 euro.  With the purchase of a Dublin Pass you receive free airport transportation into City Centre on Aircoach and free admission into many of the popular sites.  

    Renting a car and trying to find parking in City Centre is a nightmare, plus parking is expensive, plus you can walk somewhere faster than driving.  If you want to see sites outside of the city, wait for another day or just do that.  Don't try to do both.  The cheapest I have found gas is 1.14 euro per liter.

    Hope this helps.

  11. It cost me 5 euros a couple of years ago to get a taxi from the airport with four people in it - I would imagine that would be your best bet as you wont really need a car for a day!

  12. You can catch the bus from the Airport to Dublin.  Its a very short journey.  The bus and train service are good. I wouldnt advise hiring a car.  Go on the Dublin City Tour it is well worth the money. Dont forget they use the euro.  Dublin has become very expensive recently but you will enjoy it.  Have a nice trip.

  13. petrol is 1.15euro  per liter app 70p and a taxi will cost 6 euro you will be better off twith a taxi as you and your pals can get pissed and not worry about the law

  14. go to the tourist information center situated within the airport near the exit doors via the arrivals hall you can purchase tickets from the office a return journey into the city center will cost approx 12 euros per person the bus drops off in O'Connell street, the TI will give you some solid information regarding Dublin, the city is not that big and with a good sight seeing map is easily walkable taking in most of the tourist sights use the dart (Dublin area rapid transport train) these will take you quite a distance out of Dublin or use the trams to see a bit more of the surrounding area the tourist information will advise on the best value ticket available, or if hiring a car petrol is roughly 1.05 to 1.19 per litre parking is restricted within the city and can be expensive.  Sat Nav would be ok to use outside of the city but with recent new road developments I would not rely on Sat Nav with in the city

  15. You can get the dart which is like the manchester metro link. Which connects dublin to howth and bray. Not sure what it costs though.

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