
Looking for some effective relay horse racing betting tips?

by  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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I am an avid horse racing bettor and intend to test my horse racing betting skills on relay horse racing. Can you help me know, what are some of the effective ways to place successful bets on relay horse racing betting?




  1. Don't bother with tipsters and tips. Most of them are based on myth and chance. I'd advise taking some time to learn to study the races yourself, here are a few tips to help you along...

    Do try gambling without money at first. Choose your horses, record your winning ratio, analyse preferences and what races seem to suit you best.

    Don't gamble beyond your means. Do not gamble money you need for living expenses and never borrow to gamble.

    Do study jockeys, particularly newcomers and unknowns. Watch out for promising apprentices; they will often lack market support and therefore offer much better value

    Don't bet when the going changes drastically, for instance from firm to soft. This upsets form and your bet.

    Do bet to place in non-handicaps with 8 to 10 runners. More appropriately, pick races with just a few solid horses.

    Don't try to make your fortune in a day, or a week, or a month or even a year. Betting for profit should be seen as a long-term venture.

    Do stay calm and decisive. Weigh up the odds for and against your fancy. Make your decision and stick to it.

    Don't drink and bet. You must remain detached, unemotional and analytical at all times.

    Do bet only when you are getting good value.

    Don't bet unless the odds are good value.

    Do Specialize. With something like 40 races on a Saturday, you cannot concentrate properly on all or even a high proportion. So look for three or four races, of the kind you are most successful with, and concentrate your efforts and your cash on these.

    Don't listen too much to what the 'gurus' or 'expert tipsters' say about a given race. Have faith in your own judgement and work.

    Do make a record of your bets, winning and losing. Eventually patterns and trends will emerge to guide your gambling instincts. Even if you are losing money in a certain type of race or bet you can reverse engineer it by laying the selections and make money from your losing ways!

    Don't gamble more than 5% of your working capital on one race. Even the very best punters have losing runs and it's vital you have enough capital to see these out unharmed. Personally I don't stake more than 2% of my bank on a single bet.

    Do be aware that information is the single most important factor in becoming a regular winner: information about horses, tracks, riders, conditions of the race, weights, speeds, pace and so on.

    Don't follow the herd. This is why most punters lose their money. You have to be different. This way you'll get higher odds, and better winnings!

    I guarantee that anyone who applies even some of these principles to their betting is instantly stacking the odds firmly in their favour.

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Latest activity: 11 years, 2 month(s) ago.
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