I consider myself a good parent. I put them first, teach them right from wrong, praise them when they do good and dicipline them when they do bad. I give them my unconditional love and time, and I look out for their spiritual well-being. The problem is, over the last year, I have lost control over my oldest daughter. She used to be such a good girl. She always cared about other people's feelings and tried to do right whenever possible. She got along with her friends and when things were bothering her, she was never afraid to talk to me about the issues. Now, she's 11 and it's quite different. She lies about the smallest and dumbest things. She's disrespectful to not only me, but her sisters, friends, and other adults as well. She's begun to get physical with her 4 year old sister at times with shoving and hitting. She have terrible fits of jealousy over everything her sisters and friends have. I have to tell her things 10 times before she listens, and she just has a bad attitude all the time. I try talking to her about this nearly every day. I keep asking her why she is being like this and she never has an answer. She's driving her "good" friends away because they don't want to be around her anymore and I'm concerned that she will get hooked up with the wrong group of kids because of this which will only make things so much worse.
A little background about the home environment. I'm a single Dad, but she's this way with her Mom too. She's had jealously fits since her 4 year old sister was born. To make a long story short, the spotlight was taken away from her at age 7 when she lost the only child status. There is little yelling......only when it's called for (try to keep a calm house), T.V. programs are filtered by myself and my ex. Nothing is watched if it's over PG. She gets as much attention as we can give her (she also has a 15 mo. old sister), and she is constantly told how much she is loved and cared for. When she gets in these swings of bad behavior, there is no backing down from her. She never wins. So I'm now curious....why does she do this? Any good advice as to how to handle this would be greatly appreciated.