
Looking for some info on Landscape Design and the industry

by Guest67133  |  earlier

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Hi there. I'm currently a senior in college going for a degree in Business Marketing. I have one year left but have recently found my passion - Landscaping and the design involved. I feel like I'm wasting my time and money going for Marketing, but I know that a degree is important no matter what.

I guess I'm looking for some general info on the industry, what certifications or degrees are preferred or required, salary info, and anything else that might help give me a better picture as to what directions to possibly look in to. Thanks in advance!




  1. Your degree in Bus. Markting will be very useful.  After that a few courses in Horticulture and Landscape design will set you on your way.  Field experience is paramount in landscape design/build .  Try to get an internship with a company that does upscale work.  

    Think ahead- you have a marketing background, will have field experience and passion for design.  You will be able to design beautiful landscapes and sell them to your clients.  Never stop learning- this industry is always evolving.  Will you get rich?  Probably not, but a respectable income can be yours.  Most important- you will do what you love while others are sitting in their cubicles!  Good Luck!

  2. Well sir, It's great that you found your passion in life, many peoeple take decades to find what they really love to do. Remeber that its never wasting your time when your doing something you love. I too have found my passion in gardening, specifically in palm trees.

    Now a more direct answer to your question would be first, the landscaping industry is always a secure career due to buildings always being contructed and housing developments which need a design invloved to impress their clients.  Also, if you have ever heard of curb-side appeal, then you definately would know that the landscaping industry is needed.

    Answering your salary question, the skies the limit. You can start working for a small company and learn the industry and gather the right certifications and then branch off and start your own business.

    I found a great website for information about the landscaping industry, primarily dealing with palm trees (since thats my own passion) Has info about the industry and a myriad of pictures. They will even send you pictures if needed. Trust me, they did for me.

    Hopefully I helped.

  3. This is your link:

    American Society of Landscape Architects

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