
Looking for suggestions on a meal plan for an athletic rower in her 20s with a busy schedule(homeonly 6pm-5am)

by Guest56809  |  earlier

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I have look at healthy eating websites. Now I need suggestion on concrete meal plan. (Not to lose weigh). I'm at crew practice from 5-8am.I have a busy schedule and have to take my meal with me. (Nonperishable, easy to pack and compactable.)

I drink water through out the day. I want to have a liquid meal before practice. A hardy breakfast, an 11 o’clock snack, lunch and afternoon snack, and I don't have a choice what I eat for dinner.

Last year I drank chocolate milk before practice. It worked well, it something that wake me up. I'm afraid it's getting to much lactic acid in my blood for practice. I have been eating bagels or English muffin and eggs for breakfast. Drinking orange juice is too acidic. Last year for snacks and lunch I ate lots of bars, fruits and nuts. During the day I feel I’m eating the minimum. I’m not hungry just don’t feel like I’m eating right. For dinner I get meat, veggies and rice or potatoes.

Getting more vitamin E and magnesium in my diet is a plus




  1. here u have some tips.                                              best of luck.

  2. Go easy on the chocolate milk, unless it is low fat.  As a rower, your heart and circulation, besides strength, are your keys to excellence.

    Try to carry some pieces of fruit with you, or some dried fruit for some energy snacks throughout the day.  2-3 ounces of nuts  to nibble on daily will help.  Pistachios, pine nuts, peanuts, and pecans are the best ratios of healthy oils.  Walnuts have extra omega-3 oils.

    Don't eat commercial peanut butters, only natural varieties with NO transfats or palm oils.

    Same with packaged baked goods. None. They stay "fresh" because of the trans fats, but those same transfats are the worst fat you could put in your arteries. They 1) cause arterial wall damage, 2) raise your LDL (bad cholesterol), and 3) lower your HDL, the good cholesterol that helps control your LDL.

    Pay a little more for better quality "health" bars, with nothing hydrogenated.

    For a calorie boost, you may want to drink a fruit juice or two during the day, rather than just water.

    That "lactic acid" is an indicator you are pushing yourself just a bit too hard.  The pain is a result of not getting sufficient oxygen to completely burn your muscle fuel.  Back off a tiny bit of effort and it should clear up in 5-20 seconds. Stay just below that threshold, and you'll actually be about 20% stronger and more efficient in the boat.  Be sure to warm up well before working at near maximal effort.  Smartest thing you could do.

    Have you looked at the nutrition information on the British Concept II website  ?

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